St. Joseph News-Press from St. Joseph, Missouri (2024)


George E. Jacobs of Bradenton, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Grant.

The Grants will entertain a small group of friends at dinner tomorrow evening at home for the visitors. Miss Mary Gale Zwick will return the first this week from White Bear Lake, where she has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Roch Ulmer. William J.

Fleeman returns tonight from California and Phoenix, Ariz, -At the latter place, he visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fleeman Sr. Norman Bird arrived yesterday from Detroit, for a three weeks' visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Earley D. Bird. 'On Thursday, Howard Davis of Philadelphia, will arrive for a few days visit with the Birds. Mrs. Harry H.

Mohler will leave Wednesday for a threeweek visit to Fort Jackson, S. to visit her daughter and son-inlaw, Lieut. and Mrs. Robert K. Hague.

Mrs. Nelson Thomas, 2249 North Twenty-second street, gave 12th birthday party for her daughter, Kitty, at the Country Club yesterday. After a luncheon, there was a pool 1 party. The guest list included A Sharon O'Donoghue, Suzanne Balmat, Mardi Burnes, Kay Grimes, Ann Strop, Barbara Parker, Cathy Smith, Judith Chesney, Terry U1- lery, Judy Heller Mary Christina Kuehn, Dee Grimes, Lin Clark, Janet and Virginia Susan Scanian, Allison Hegarty, Alyce Koch and Mary Kay Thompson. Miss Sarah Lee Drais of Ashland, visited last week end with her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. James A. Drais, Fairleigh place. Other guests in the Drais household were Willis Shattuck of AshJand; Miss Marilyn Wood and Gene Smith, both of Topeka, Miss Carol Bauer of Stewartsville, and Mr. and Mrs.

Oscar Larson of Kansas City. Mrs. Walter Robb Kegel of Santa Fe, N. is the guest for a few weeks of her parents, Dr. and Mrs.

J. J. Bansbach, 2631 Felix street. Mr. and Mrs, V.

L. Silverthorn and son, Arthur, left this morning by motor for their home at DenAver, after a two-week visit. They visited a daughter and sonin-law, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Siggins; Mrs.

Silverthorn's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Immel, were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J.

Barsch. In Rolla, the Silverthorns visited anether daughter and son-in-law, tr. and Mrs. Earl Myers. Mrs.

Edwin R. McDonald has returned from Kansas City after Studying the past two weeks at the University of Kansas City with Coenrad V. Bos, voice coach st the Juilliard School of Music. Vohn Powell, son of the Rev. Mrs.

B. V. Powell, left Thursday for a six-week stay at Camp Menewonka, Shelby, Mich, Jeanne Meyerkoff of Bighland Park, is the guest of Misses Janice Verbin and Betty Droher, She will be here about two weeks. Van Shoemaker, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Price Shoemaker, Victorian Court apartments, left Thursday for Camp Lincoln, located 1 near Brainerd, to spend the Summer. 'He will return here Aug. 21, Joyce June Donelson, daughter Mr. and Mrs. R.

T. Donelson, 2602 Union street, left. Tuesday for Camp Cheley near Estes Park, Colo. Mr. and rural route their 50th today with until 5 and Friends and to attend.

Mrs. L. Bartlett, No. 1, will celebrate wedding anniversary open house from 2 from 7 until 9 p. m.

relatives are invited Miss Jessie Jutten of the physipal education staff of Northwest Missouri State Teachers' College, Maryville, has returned from Colbrado Springs where she attended Dr. Floyd Shaw's square dancling schpol. Burton, Marvin and Eugene Alberts, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Alberts, 2623 Francis street, returned home by motor last evening after a three weeks' visit in Los Angeles.

They were accompanted Phillip Korbolz of Stockton, and Malcolm Lancky I of Los Angeles, who will be their house guests. Lieut. and Mrs. Wally K. Keller and children, Judith Ann and Kenneth Frederic, who have been visiting Mrs.

Keller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hotfelmeyer, 3139 Mitchell avenue, the past month, left by plane Friday.

morning for their home in Washington, D. C. Keller is in charge of the color processing laboratory at the naval photographic center there. A daughter of the HoffelmeyMiss Ann Hoffelmeyer, who is an associate member of DomMick Associates, International Trade Consultants, Washington, concluded on Page 2B- -Column The John Wyeths Observe Anniversary Mr. and Mrs.

Wyeth, ily. From left to right daughter, Mr. and Mrs. and a son, William M. -News-Press Staff Photographs Among the more than 300 guests was Robert J.

Woodruff, who greeted the hosts at the microphone before it was turned over to Robert Clayton, who acted as master of ceremonies for the dancing contests. Country Club Reception After Chesmore Wedding At a wedding ceremony Baptist Church, Miss Caryl Carlton Chesmore was son of Mr. and Mrs. T. C.

Moncrief, pastor, performed standards of white gladioli A bride and groom 35 years ago, Mr. and Mrs. John Wyeth cut the first piece of wedding cake--this time at their anniversary celebration which was held in the form of a -dance Monday evening at the Edgewood. performed Thursday afternoon in First Chesmore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

married to Theodore Charles Hinckley Hinckley of Pasadena, Cal. Adiel J. the ceremony midst a setting of palms, and flickering tapers. Mrs. Elsie Barnes Durham played the nuptial music which included "Ave Maria" (Schubert), "Liebestraum" (Liszt) and "The Lord's Prayer" lotte).

Marches were traditional. The wedding reception was at the St. Joseph Country Club. On the bridal table was placed a tiered cake, the base of which was wreathed with fern and daisies. The Bride's Gown Mr.

Jr. gave his daughter in marriage. Her gown of white marquisette and satin had a voluminous overskirt bound in white satin scallops with two rows of pleated ruching showing underneath. The basque bodice had a low round neckline with bertha of pleated ruching, and the waistline was marked with a satin corselette. Her fingertip veil of Illusion fell from a band of pleated ruching and satin flowers.

She wore white satin mitts and carried. an old-fashtoned bouquet of white chrysanthemums and daisies. The bride was attended by her two sisters. Miss Chesmore was maid of honor and Miss Sally Chesmore was the junior bridesmaid, They wore floor-length frocks in pastel colors made similarly to the bride's. Sally's was tied at the waist or with a wide.

pink taffeta sash and Connie's was bound at the waistline with a blue taffeta band and a cascade of blue loops in bustle effect. Both wore haloes of matching pleated marquisette and carried nosegays of blue and pink blossoms. John Snyder of Pasadena acted as best man, Jack Modgett and John Ward served as groomsmen. After a honeymoon trip in the Rockies, Mr. and Mrs.

Jr. will make their residence at Claremont, where the bridegroom is a student at Claremont Men's College. For going away, Miss Gordon Was Married Last Evening who were wed June 14, 1913, in the First Presbyterian Church here, pose with their famare a son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. David R.

Bradley; another son-in-law and James F. Dale; the Wyeths; a daughter-in-law and son, Mr. and Mrs. John Wyeth Wyeth II. There were several guests from out-of -town.

Here are shown (left to right) Earle J. Zimmerman of Chicago; Mrs. Edward J. Epsen of Omaha; Mr. Wyeth, Mrs.

Zimmerman, Mrs. Wyeth and Mr. Epsen. Miss Freeman Is a Bride A bank of palms formed background for the branched candelabra and standards of white gladioli in Street Methodist Church Wednesday Francis, evening for the wedding of Miss Frankie Sue Freeman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

C. A. Freeman, and Joel E. Greene, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Joel W. Greene. The bridegroom's grandfather, Dr. H. D.

Atchison of Dubuque, Iowa, officiated. The bridal party entered the church to strains of the traditional marches played by Mrs. Wayne Nicholas, organist. She accompanied Miss Eloise Eitzen of Hillsboro, who sang "Calm as the Night" (Bohm), "God Touched the Rose" and "Because" (d'Hardelot), Gowned in Satin Escorted in marriage by her father, the bride was attired in a white satin gown featuring yoke of tHusion marked by band which was caught at the front with a pearl, cluster. She wore her mother's fingertip veil of illusion which was gathered to a crown of orange blossoms, and carried a bouquet of white carnations centered by an orchid.

The Misses Dorothy and Sally Freeman attended their sister. As the honor maid, Miss Dorothy wore blue taffeta, and Miss Sally wore. pink taffeta. Their frocks were styled alike with rounded necklines and Berthas, their gloves were of illusion and their tiaras, of flowers. were puffed with the same illusion.

Their colonial nosegays were of mixed blossoms. Hans Kakies of Denver, acted As best man. Ushers were Hugh and James Greene, brothers of the bridegroom, and Walker LaBrunerie Jr. At the reception in the church parlors, the serving table was lace covered. Mrs.

Raymond Siggins, Miss Ann Andrews and Miss Catherine Gill served. To Reside in Denver The newlyweds left on a short wedding trip and have gone to Denver, where Mr. Greene is a teacher psychology at the University of Denver. Out-of-town wedding guests other than those already mentioned were Mrs. Kakies of Denver; Mrs.

Sally Moore, aunt of the bride, from Clinton, Miss Carol Crow of Horton, Miss Kathleen McKinney of Hartford, Mrs. -Lura- Turner of Effingham, Mr. and Mrs. W. R.

Kendall, Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Dubach, Mr.

and Mrs. G. T. Groh, Mrs, -Jacob Bauer, Mr. and Mrs.

Jacob Miller, Miss Louise Miller, Miss Wilma Miller and Mrs. Kenneth Miller and son, Phillip, all of Wathena, Kan. ALTRUSA CLUB The Altrusa Club will have Its annual business meeting after dinner Tuesday evening at 7 at the St. Joseph Country Club. Chairmen will tell of the past season's activities, and new offlcers will be installed, June Hoffsommer Is Married to Frederick Kirn The First Evangelical United Brethren Church was the scene last evening for the marriage of Miss June Hoffsommer, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. I. M. Hoffsommer of St. Joseph, to Frederick Kirn III, son of the Rev.

and Mrs. Frederick W. Kirn of East Detroit, Mich. The ceremony was performed by the pastor, the Rev. William E.

Daeschner, in a chancel decorated with palms and gladioli and lighted by tapers in tiered candelabra. A program of nuptial music preceded the service when Mrs. Leland Young of Lawrence, played organ selections and accompanied the violinist, Miss Joy Kitzenberger. Mrs. Daeschner sang "'The Lord's Prayer" (Ma-' lotte), and "Because" (d'Hardelot).

Traditional marches were used and, as a benediction to the kneeling couple, an original song was sung. Carried White Roses The bride wore a dress of frothy marquisette, the tight fitting bodice of which had a sheer yoke of illusion edged with a double ruffle of Chantilly lace. The sleeves were tight-fitting and pointed over the hands, and the bouffant skirt, worn over a hoop and trimmed seed pearls and orange blossoms. She carried white roses with maline puffs. Miss Marilyn Rose Hoffsommer, as her sister's maid of honor, wore a bouffant dress of marigold yellow nylon paper taffeta.

The fitted torso bodice had sheer yoke of illusion and the -the shoulder neckline had shirred ruffle of taffeta. The full skirt, worn over hoop, had a draped apron effect with wide ruffle trim. Miss Betty Irwin, as bridesmaid, wore a gown identically styled only in an aqua shade, and Carol White of Evanston, who was flower girl, wore a similarly styled frock only in pink. The best man was Jack Hudson of Detroit, and the groomsman was Hooper White of Evan- ston. The Reception A reception was held in the church parlors.

Assisting at the reception were Mrs. Albert Feitz, Mrs. A. F. Kitzenberger, Mrs.

H. B. Kitzenberger, Mrs. Gene Welty, Miss Betty Welty, Miss Elizabeth Walker, Miss Frances Willman, Miss Ruth Glasbrenner and Miss- Jean Ann Pyles. For going away, Mrs.

Kirn IT wore a gabardine suit of pink, blue accessories and a corsage of gardenias. GRAY LADY CORPS The Gray Lady Corps of the American Red Cross will meet In regular session Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the Red Cross chapter house, 813 Francis street. Mrs. Ira Noland, chairman, will preside.

Hostesses will be Mrs. Belle Redmond, Mrs. Miss Edna Hubacher and Miss Katie Wright, Wedding of Miss Poff Miss Dolores Jean daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert T.

Poff, and Henry J. Schoen, son of Charles Schoen and the late Mrs. Schoen, were wed evening at the St. Joseph Cathedral, the Rev. Leo J.

Ruggle Walton J. Smith played the organ selections and Austin Thomas was the vocalist. Palms, candles and two baskets of white gladioli decorated the altar. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of Chantilly lace over satin. The bodice had a drop shoulder effect of lace bound in satin, and long sleeves that ended in points at the wrists.

The full skirt had satin bound side cascades of lace which fell to form an aisle wide train. Her full length veil of, bridal Illusion, bound in lace, was held to a coronet of lace and seed pearls and her bouquet was of two white orchids and stephanotis. Sister Was Honor Maid Miss Honey Poff, sister of the bride and maid of honor, wore! 8 gown of peach marquisette over satin designed with a deep round neckline and full sleeves caught at the elbows satin. A matching satin midriff the full skirt, which was finished with a wide flounce. She carried a colonial bouquet of pastel flowers.

Bridesmaids were Miss Starnes, Mrs. Mary Waters and Miss Rozanne Stavniak of Wichita, wino wore gowns of mint green fashioned like the 1 honor maid's. All wore poke bonnets. Karen Sue Smith was flower girl, and Johnny Poff, cousin of the bride from Wichita, was ring bearer. Donald Schoen, brother of the bridegroom, acted as best man; Stavniak, cousin of the bride, William Stahlin and Louis Kurz were groomsmen, and Joseph Chipps and Jack Overstreet were ushers.

Miss Virginia Thrailkill and Miss Rhoma Weaver, who were charged with the guest book, and Misses Carol Chipps, Jean Rockwell and Beverly Smith, who served at the reception in the blue room of Hotel Robidoux, completed the bridal- party. Out-of-Town Guests The newlyweds left on a wedding trip to St. Louis. Out-of-town guests at the wedding Included Herbert Poff and family, Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Stavniak and family, all of Wichita; Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sullivan and family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Blum and Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Porter, all of Kansas City. MOILA LADIES' DAY Hostesses at Day at Molla Club Wednesday will be Mrs. 0. F.

Schraeder, Mrs. Earl Henze, Mrs. Harry McIntire and Mrs. Jack Iser. Luncheon will be served at 1 p.

m. after which -there will be cards and games in the lounge. Miss Gloria Gordon became the bride last evening of Mark Gor. don, son of Meyer Gordon, in 1 ceremony at the Temple Adath Joseph. After the service, which was read by Dr.

Myron M. Meyer, the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. G.

Gordon, gave a reception in the crystal room of Hotel Robidoux, where Dutch Young's orchestra played for the dancing. Southern huckleberry laced. the woodwork in. the front of the temple, which was elaborately decorated with many tapers and hundreds of white gladioli, bouquets of which marked each pew on the bridal aisle. The focal point of the sanctuary decorations wag a huge wall pocket" of the flowers, from where showered satin ribbons knotted with gladiolus fleurettes.

A few standards of palm were used. Mrs. Nate at the organ, played traditional nuptial music and marches. She played accompaniments for Marvin Gench who sang "Because" (d'Hardelot) and "Through the Years" (Youmans). The Bridal Party Given in marriage by her f8- ther, the bride wore a gown of Alencon lace and French marquisette, The fitted torso bodice of lace had a sheer yoke of tulle banded with an off-the-shoulder lace ruffle with tracery leaf design of French seed pearls and iridescent sequins.

The long sleeves ended in points over the hands and had designs of seed pearls and sequins, and the boutfant skirt which cascaded in a' cathedral train, had wide panel inserts of lace. Her full length veil of heirloom lace was caught to a bonnet edged with pleated illusion and appliqued with lace designs outlined in seed pearls, The bride carried white orchids and stephanotis. Attendants to the bride were her. cousin, Miss Beverly Elam, as maid honor; and Misses Janice Verbin, Janice Rosen, Betty Jo Droher and Joanne Hassenbusch, who were bridesmaids. The flower girl was Judy Gershon and the ring bearer, Billy Elam.

The honor maid and. bridesmaids wore bouffant dresses fashioned identically of imported white organdy over faille taffeta slips of buttercup yellow. Organdy ruching framed the necklines and edged the full puffed sleeves, and the wide sashes of yellow faille had butterfly bows. Their half-hats of pleated organdy had real flower trim of yellow marguerite daisies and yellow tinted gardenias, Gerald Gordon of Chicago was best man. Ushering duties were done Paul Gellens of Kansas City, Larry Gordon of Des Moines, Robert Epstein, Joel Friedson, Leon Block and David Buxbaum.

The bride's mother chose an original gown of cordial color Chantilly lace over champagne crepe for the wedding. Her corsage bouquet was of chartreuse cymbedium orchids. On California Honeymoon At the reception there was a receiving, gladioli line bank candies. of palms, The tiered cake decorated with wand gardenias and stephanotis. From the reception, the bride and groom left on a honeymoon trip to California and, after July 17, will be at home at 2206 lane.

For traveling, the bride wore a crepe bolero suit of druid and black printed crepe, a tucked chiffon blouse, black accessories and orchid corsage. Out-of-town guests at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Ike Feltenstein of Tulsa, Mrs. Michael Sherman of Goldsboro, N.

Phillip Korbholz of Stockton, Jeanne Meyerhoff of Highland Park, Harold Ehrlich of Montgomery, Dr. and Mrs. Felix Anderson of Savannah, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gordon of Chicago; Irving Freeman of Indianapolis, Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Alberts of St. Louis; Dr. and Mrs. Sherman Miller of Lexington, Mr.

and Mrs. August Gordon of Des Moines; Mr. and Samuel Stone of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gold of Lincoln; Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph Stevens of Parkville, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Sanders of Cameron; Mr. and Mrs.

Abe Kirshbaum and Mr. and Mrs. Moe Fayman, all of Springfield, Mr. and Mr8; David Weinberg, Mr. and Mrs.

Morrie Abramson, Mr. and Mrs. Hymie Miller, Myron Milder, Orville Milder, Mr. and Mrs. H.

P. Milder, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Josephson, Mr. and Mrs.

Bernie Boyle, Charles Rosenstock, Mr. and Mrs. John Brendel, Robert Brendel and Fred White, all of ha, Mrs. Maude Whitacre. Mrs.

Helen Reynolds, Adolph Weinberg, Gus Pusateri, Mr. and Mrs. James Pusateri, Mr. and Mrs. Boxy Sosland, Mr.

and Mra, Harry Terte, Morrie Sol, Mrs. Sam Friedson, Mrs. Etta Silberg, Miss Jeanette Lipsitz, Miss Frieda Lipsitz, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Friedson, Mr.

and Mrs. Barney Friedson, Mrs. William Schwartzberg, Mr. and Mrs. Jules Gerson, Miss Rebecca Droher, Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph Rosen, Mrs. Sam Rose, Mrs. Sara Goodfriend, Dorothy Berg, Corinne Berg, Mr. and Mrs.

Gellens, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Timposky, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Harris, Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Finnell and Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Eisman, all of Kansas City, Mo, Schaefer-Mason Vows Said at Cathedral the bride wore a striped suit and a wreath of daisies. Fetes Many pre-nuptial fetes were given for the bride.

On Wednesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Chesmore Sr.

gave a supper at home for the wedding party, and on Monday morning, a breakfast was given by Mrs. Forrest Olendorf, Mrs. Homer Ozenberger, Mrs. Russell Scanian, Mrs. Wayne McKinnon and Mrs.

Ray Calkins. Misses Betty Beaven and Betty Sawyers gave a miscellaneous shower and luncheon in the Oakford tearoom; Miss Elizabeth Johnson entertained with a dinner; Miss Janet Hawley complimented her with a shower and bridge party; Miss Patsy Pierce gave a bathroom shower, and Miss Margaret Ray Calkins hostess at luncheon and a. handkerchief shower at the Country Club. At Pasadena before returning here for the wedding, the former Miss Chesmore was feted by Miss Carolyn Grove, who attends Scripps College. Wedding guests from out-oftown were Mrs.

Rex Smith and Patty. of Lawrence, Mrs. W. W. Meyers and Mrs.

Robert Camp, both of St. Louis; Mrs. Beverly Peters Jones of New York City, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Atha of Kansas City.

Hawman-Jones Wedding Saturday Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hawman, 2809 Felix street, announce the approaching marriage of their daughter, Ruth Ann, to Ernest B.

Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Jones, 2505 Ashland avenue.

The marriage will take place Saturday at 4 p. m. In St. Joseph's Cathedral. All friends are invited.

The marriage of Miss Mary Ann Schaefer, daughter of Mrs. Louis A. Schaefer, 2520 Sylvanie street, to Donald L. Mason, son of Mr. and Mrs.

R. E. Mason, rural route No. 2, took place Tuesday morning at the St. Joseph Cathedral.

The nuptial mass was read by the Rev. Charles S. Nowland and the acolytes were Robert Schaefer, brother of the bride, and Richard Poolman. Preceding and during the ceremony, Austin Thomas, accompanied by Walton Smith, organist, sang "On This Day, 0 Beautiful Mother" (Lambillotte), "Ave Maria" (Rossini) and "The Lord's Prayer" (Montani). The bride, who was escorted in marriage by 'her brother, Louis Schaefer, wore a gown of bridal white satin, its fitted and tapered bodice being outlined with a deep tulle yoke.

The sleeves were long and tapered. Her fingertip veil was edged with lace and fell from a white satin cap outlined with seed pearls, and she carried a bouquet of gardenias. The maid of honor, Miss Alice Flynn, and the bridesmaid, Miss Etta Jane Mason, were attired in identical dresses of white taffeta fashioned with rounded necklines and finished with puffing and full skirts embellished with the same puffing. Their hats were of white net with long streamers tied in bows. under their chins and they carried gladioli, Connie Simonson of New York, the bridegroom's niece, was flower girl.

She wore white and carried a bouquet of daisies and gladioli. Robert Mason was his brother's best man. and Al Simonson of New York was groomsman, The bride and groom left by plane for a ten-day honeymoon in Colorado. In the fail, they will go Kansas City, where Mr. Mason will continue his law studies.

Pre-nuptial entertaining for the bride included a linen shower given by Mrs. L. E. Becraft and Mrs. Robert Wilkinson; a miscellaneous one by.

Mrs. R. E. Mason; a crystal shower, Miss Jo Ann Orr; a bridge party, Miss Virginia Pitney, and a dinner by Miss Flynn,.

St. Joseph News-Press from St. Joseph, Missouri (2024)


What famous person was born in St Joseph MO? ›

Eminem. Eminem was born Marshall Bruce Mathers III in St. Joseph, Missouri, to Deborah R. (Nelson) and Marshall Bruce Mathers, Jr., who were in a band together, Daddy Warbucks.

Who is the largest employer in St Joseph MO? ›

Joseph's largest single employer is the hospital system, our city has a diversified employment base which helps to maintain a healthy and growing economy.

Why is St Joseph Missouri famous? ›

Joseph is home to Missouri Western State University. It is the birthplace of rapper and songwriter Eminem, who grew up in and has made his career in Detroit, Michigan. In the nineteenth century, it was the death place of American outlaw Jesse James. It was also the starting point of the Pony Express serving the West.

Is St Joseph MO a good place to live? ›

Outside of work, the region is also the perfect place to live. It boasts a cozy, small-town charm while also providing a long list of amenities. For example, the city is home to the Saint Joseph Symphony and Robidoux Resident Theatre.

Do any celebrities live in Missouri? ›

Grammy Award-winning hip hop recording artist Nelly, two-time Tony awards recipient Norbert Leo, and the world's greatest athlete Jackie Joyner-Kersee reside in St. Louis.

Why is St Joseph famous? ›

Joseph is the patron saint of the Universal Church, families, fathers, expectant mothers, travelers, immigrants, house sellers and buyers, craftsmen, engineers and working people, among others. In the grotto behind the Chapel of Saint Joseph stands a statue of St.

What is minimum wage in St Joseph MO? ›

The minimum wage in Missouri is $12.00 per hour for all employers, effective January 1, 2023. This is the result of a voter-approved initiative in 2018 that gradually increased the minimum wage from $7.85 to $12 over a five-year period. There are a few exemptions to the minimum wage law in Missouri.

Who are the 3 largest employers in Mo? ›

Detailed List Of The 100 Biggest Companies In Missouri
1Ascension Michigan150,000
2Panera Bread140,000
74 more rows
Mar 19, 2024

Is St Joseph MO growing? ›

(ST. JOSEPH, MO.) Since 1900 the population of St. Joseph has been dropping throughout the years and by 2030, the population is expected to be below 60 thousand people.

What outlaw was killed in St Joseph MO? ›

Notorious outlaw Jesse James was shot and killed in this house on April 3, 1882. He was killed by Bob Ford, a member of the James gang, to collect a $10,000 reward offered by Governor Tom Crittenden. Jesse died at the age of 34 after living a lawless career for 16 years.

What is the oldest town in Missouri? ›

History. Founded around 1740 by Canadian settlers and migrants from settlements in the Illinois Country just east of the Mississippi River, Ste. Geneviève is the oldest permanent European settlement in Missouri.

What is the ethnicity of St Joseph Missouri? ›

Download Table Data
RacePopulationPercentage (of total)
Black or African American4,9286.83%
Two or more races4,6996.51%
Other race2,1172.93%
3 more rows

What is the safest town to live in in Missouri? ›

The Top 10 Safest Communities in Missouri
  • Battlefield.
  • Ballwin.
  • Glendale.
  • Town and Country.
  • Cottleville.
  • Pleasant Hill.
  • Ladue.
  • Ellisville.

What famous people are from St. Joseph MO? ›

Joseph, Missouri.
  • Don Alt (1916–1988), Iowa state representative and businessman; born in St. ...
  • Charles S. L. Baker (1859–1926), African American businessman and inventor, lived in St. ...
  • Kay Barnes (b. ...
  • Stephen Nikola Bartulica (b. ...
  • Dwayne Blakley (b. ...
  • Ryan Bradley (b. ...
  • Norbert Brodine, cinematographer.

What is the cleanest town in Missouri? ›

In early 2021. The cleanest city in Missouri was Kearney with a US AQI reading of 16. By contrast, the least clean city was Joplin with a US AQI reading of 77.

Who is the most famous person born in Missouri? ›

From riverboat language he took a name- Mark Twain- that would become famous worldwide for his books involving characters like Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer. One of America's greatest writers, Mark Twain is remembered today at his boyhood home in Hannibal and at his nearby birthplace in Florida, Missouri.

How is the crime in St. Joseph Missouri? ›

With a crime rate of 51 per one thousand residents, St. Joseph has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 20.

How old is Saint Joseph Missouri? ›

Saint Joseph, Missouri is one of America's best-kept secrets for historic architecture. Founded in 1843, St. Joseph quickly grew to become one of the most important sites of commerce and trade for the western continent.

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