Master List of ALL the Food Ideas for 1 Year Old Babies (2024)

Feeding your one year old toddler is one of those parenting milestones that can leave us puzzled and confused. From the quantity, when to feed, what to cook or how to cut the food- it’s a big change for us- and them of course : ). If you ask 100 parents, half will call their 1 year old a baby and the other half toddler. That perfectly exemplifies this year- a year of transitioning from being a baby to a full fledged toddler. So what meals do you give a child that is both- a baby/toddler combo?? Let’s talk about all the important notes and gather a master list of food ideas for 1 year old toddlers. (Printable menu can be downloaded at the end of the post!)

Every parent’s transition to table foods looks a little differently. Some go directly to baby led weaning where your baby eats table food from the beginning, starting with smaller soft foods and transitioning more and more. Others start with traditional pureed baby food at 4-6 months and then integrate finger foods around 10-12 months. I’ve practiced the latter- cooking my own baby food and introducing finger foods after. I am considering BLW for my third baby who is now 5 months. I’ll update you on that one later!

Something that can be pretty standard is that most babies and toddlers start eating table food with their fingers, as they have not developed the ability to feed themselves with a spoon or fork. I started finger foods at 10 months- here are some ideas for recipes & meal prep you can do and simple finger foods that mostly don’t have to be cooked.

Related Posts: Healthy Baby Finger Food Recipes-Meal Prepand 10 Simple Finger Foods for a One Year Old

At the same time, you can start to preload a spoon so they start to practice lifting it to their mouth. Gradually, between 14-18 months they will get better. But it’s a skill they will continually work on through their 2nd year.

Yogurt is one of my favorite one year old foods as it’s nutritious and you can mix in different fruits to change the flavor. Pre loading the spoon or even just having them play with it starts the important journey of using utensils. It’s not a clean journey by any means- feeding kids in general isn’t. Hope I didn’t ruin your day with that! My 4 and 1/2 year old is pretty clean now, lol, it takes time.

Up until their first birthday, solids and table food have been supplements to breast milk or formula- where they were getting the majority of their nutrients. Now they start to transition to cow’s milk- or many moms continue nursing, but they start to get more of their nutrients from table food. It becomes more important to give them a variety of food groups and nutrients.

Their schedule will generally consist of 3 meals and 2 snacks. I usually offer 1/2-1 milk per meal and water for snacks. If you have a milk lover that is not showing much interest for food, consider adding the milk after they have eaten some of their food. That helped tremendously with my first son Miles.

Serving sizes: One year olds don’t eat a whole lot. This will differ from baby to baby, but a general guideline is to keep servings at about 1/2 cup or even 1/4 cup for sides. For example, a 1/2 cup of oatmeal with half that amount of strawberries on the side.

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Master List of ALL the Food Ideas for 1 Year Old Babies (1)

Use this list as a reference so you never run out of ideas!

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I don’t know about you, but in the hustle and bustle of everyday, I can forget the simplest things. Which is why I like referencing a list of meal ideas for 1 year old toddlers. It encourages me to maintain variety in their meals and see which foods I have in each category.

This is a great year to introduce anything, from different flavors to textures. They are developing their palates and haven’t established a specific taste for anything yet. My mom asked me once- your kids will have sandwiches on whole wheat bread? Not white? And I responded, well they only have wheat bread at home so it’s what they are used to. Now do we go to Jimmy Johns and split one of their delicious sandwiches with white bread- Yes. Not striving for perfection, just helping them establish a taste for whole grains so they continue to like it in the future.

Meals should strive to have a balance of foods from these categories- at least 3 per meal. Dinner is where I get the most adventurous and offer what the rest of the family is having. Breakfast and lunch- I put together especially for the kids. Check out these toddler lunches for school or daycare for lots of lunches that include foods from each food group.

    • Fruit- bananas, strawberries, blueberries, “cuties” (clementines), peaches, etc.
    • Veggies- avocado, green beans, carrots, peas, sweet potato, squash (easy to cook or low sodium/no sugar added cans)
    • Dairy- cheese, plain whole milk or greek yogurt, milk
    • Protein- eggs, turkey slices, chicken breast, ground beef, beans (with rice), fish
    • Carbs- whole wheat toast (or whatever bread you buy), oatmeal, potatoes, rice, pasta, corn tortillas, whole wheat pancakes, graham crackers, whole grain goldfish

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  • Monitor your baby as they eat. Gagging a little is natural, but you want to ensure that food is cut in small pieces and cooked to a softer texture.
  • Fun divider plates or placemat plates.
  • Reusable placemats for restaurant dining or disposable placemats are both fantastic.
  • Starter spoon to practicing pincer grip and holding silverware.
  • This grape cutter is amazing- my 3 year old loves to use it himself. Also an apple cutter comes in handy.
  • Bentgo lunchbox for travel or daycare.
  • There will be phases of pickiness- don’t give up on specific foods. But also don’t get discouraged and try to make them eat it. It will get frustrating at times to make something they don’t eat, but it’s all part of growing up and seeing what they like and don’t like. My oldest didn’t eat meat for at least 6 months- I kept trying and one day he ate it again. To substitute for protein we did a lot of eggs, beans and greek yogurt. Read more tips for picky eating phases here!
  • If you use canned or prepackaged fruits and vegetables- buy ones without added sugar or salt. Setting up their palate to not prefer extra sweet or salty things!
  • Incorporate whole grains when you can- brown rice, whole wheat bread, and whole wheat pancakes.

These are some toddler dinner ideas. Pretty much what I make for my entire family, with what I would plate for my one year old. A little note- I have a heavy hand sometimes because I have an older son as well to serve. Not eating everything is common at this stage, so you could start out with smaller portions.

Master List of ALL the Food Ideas for 1 Year Old Babies (2)

Deconstructed tacos- ground beef, cheese, lettuce and tomato. Skip the shells for young one year olds. You can also substitute meat for turkey. Side of corn and avocado.

Master List of ALL the Food Ideas for 1 Year Old Babies (3)

Pasta shells in red sauce topped with some parmesan cheese, cut green grapes with a side of yogurt and honey.

Master List of ALL the Food Ideas for 1 Year Old Babies (4)

Grilled chicken with broccoli and rice quinoa mix.

Master List of ALL the Food Ideas for 1 Year Old Babies (5)

Asian chicken and noodles with a side of cooked green beans.

Master List of ALL the Food Ideas for 1 Year Old Babies (6)

Italian beef cooked in crockpot, french bread, and a cucumber-tomato salad.

Master List of ALL the Food Ideas for 1 Year Old Babies (7)

Spanish rice with baked chicken and avocado.

Master List of ALL the Food Ideas for 1 Year Old Babies (8)

Salmon, pan sautéed noodles, and green beans.

Master List of ALL the Food Ideas for 1 Year Old Babies (9)

Shrimp, cauliflower gnocchi with broccoli and mango bites. (Ok- I really wanted to try this Trader Joe’s cauliflower gnocchi that everyone raves about. I liked it, but my family did not. 🙁 ) Will try again one day- maybe season differently.

Use this sample menu as a reference for feeding your little one. Includes all the meal ideas for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I don’t include snacks, because I would generally offer the leftovers from the meals for snack. Or a small portion of the things you are already feeding them.

Master List of ALL the Food Ideas for 1 Year Old Babies (10)

If you are still looking for more ideas, find all of the posts related to feeding babies and toddlers here: Baby and Toddler Food Ideas

Access Your Free Printable of Meal Ideas for 1 Year Olds!

Master List of ALL the Food Ideas for 1 Year Old Babies (11)

Use this list as a reference so you never run out of ideas!

Subscribe (free!) to my newsletter with 23K+ moms and get tips for mom life, projects, and meal preps PLUS get instant access to my resource library with ALL of my other free files and printables (including this list)! Once subscribed, I will send you a newsletter with all the details.

Master List of ALL the Food Ideas for 1 Year Old Babies (2024)


Master List of ALL the Food Ideas for 1 Year Old Babies? ›

Babies can eat well-cooked and finely chopped or mashed eggs, meat and fish even if they don't have teeth. Your child should also have legumes (like chickpeas, lentils or peas) – or nuts (make sure they're crushed, ground or a smooth nut butter), and orange or green vegetables and fruits every day.

What food should I buy for my 1 year old? ›

Babies can eat well-cooked and finely chopped or mashed eggs, meat and fish even if they don't have teeth. Your child should also have legumes (like chickpeas, lentils or peas) – or nuts (make sure they're crushed, ground or a smooth nut butter), and orange or green vegetables and fruits every day.

What meals can I make for a 1 year old? ›

What do you feed a picky 1-year-old?
  • On-the-go breakfast muffins with fresh fruit.
  • Scrambled eggs with grilled sweet potato wedges.
  • Banana oatmeal pancakes with yogurt.
  • Baked oatmeal with berries.
  • French toast fingers with a fruit smoothie.
  • Bite-sized turkey sandwich pieces with fruit kabobs.
Jun 28, 2019

What is the best food routine for a 1 year old? ›

Feeding at 12 months and over

Now your toddler is 12 months old, they should be having 3 meals a day. They may also need 2 healthy weaning snacks in between (for example fruit, vegetable sticks, toast, bread or plain yoghurt). Remember, your child does not need salt or sugar added to their food or cooking water.

Can a 1 year old eat pizza? ›

12 months old +:

If you feel confident in the child's biting and tearing skills, present a slice of pizza with the tip cut off (so it's not too floppy). Note that softer, thinner pieces of pizza can glom up in the mouth and cause some gagging.

How many meals should a 1 year old child eat per day? ›

Schedule three meals and two or three healthy snacks a day. But expect your toddler to sometimes eat less or skip meals. This can be hard for many parents, but kids should be allowed to respond to their own feelings of hunger and fullness.

What foods can a 1 year old not have? ›

Foods to avoid giving babies and young children
  • Salt. Babies should not eat much salt, as it's not good for their kidneys. ...
  • Sugar. Your baby does not need sugar. ...
  • Saturated fat. ...
  • Honey. ...
  • Whole nuts and peanuts. ...
  • Some cheeses. ...
  • Raw and lightly cooked eggs. ...
  • Rice drinks.

Can a 1 year old eat chicken nuggets? ›

Yes. While chicken nuggets are typically high in sodium, an occasional taste is fine as long as they are modified to reduce choking risk. For babies starting solids around 6 months of age, remove the crunchy coating, which is crispy and challenging to bite and chew, qualities that increase the risk of choking.

What food is easy for a one year old party? ›

20 Delicious food ideas for a 1-year birthday party
  • Tasty crustless sandwiches. Crustless sandwiches are ideal here, as young kids tend to waste the crusts. ...
  • Basic breadsticks. ...
  • Pigs in a blanket. ...
  • Hot dogs. ...
  • Baked chicken nuggets. ...
  • Hamburgers. ...
  • Chicken skewers with potato wedges. ...
  • Themed birthday cake.

What are the best finger foods for babies? ›

Good finger foods for babies include soft, easy-to-swallow foods like steamed veggies; soft fruits; whole-grain bread, pasta, or cereal; crackers; chicken; cheese; and scrambled eggs.

What table food can a 1 year old eat? ›

Protein foods that your one-year-old can eat (when cooked soft)
  • Eggs.
  • Chicken.
  • Fish.
  • Beef.
  • Pork.
  • Lamb.
  • Beans (cooked soft)
  • Hummus.

What is the food portion for a 1 year old? ›

An appropriate serving size for a toddler is going to be about 1⁄4 to 1⁄2 of an adult serving as recommended by MyPyramid. For example, a serving of bread for a small child would be 1⁄4 of a slice for a 1-year-old, and 1⁄2 of a slice for a 3-year-old.

How many naps for a 1 year old? ›

Between the ages of 1 and 2, most kids need about 11–14 hours of sleep a day, including one or two daytime naps. At around 18 months, or sometimes sooner, most toddlers condense their two naps into one afternoon nap. A toddler who fights the morning nap is probably ready for just an afternoon nap.

Can a 1 year old eat rice? ›

Because from about six months of age on, babies can already eat most of the same foods as adults, including regular rice. Always remember, though, rice is a solid food, and never add rice or anything other than breast milk, formula, or water to a baby's bottle.

Is one egg enough for breakfast for a 1 year old? ›

Sample menu for a 1- and 2-year-old

Here's an example of what and how much your toddler might eat in a day. Breakfast: 1/2 cup of iron-fortified cereal or one egg (hard-boiled and cut into chunks, or scrambled) 1/3 cup of fruit, like sliced strawberries, banana, or melon.

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By 12 months, most children can eat the same types of foods as consumed by the rest of the family, while keeping in mind the need for nutrient-dense foods, including animal-sourced foods like meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products.

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.