List of 779 Adjectives That Start with B with Definitions and Examples - (2024)

This article contains the most extensive collection of adjectives that start with B on the internet. And we gave definitions, synonyms and short use examples for adjectives that start with B. There are over 800 B adjectives in English.

We’ve gathered a list of positive and negative adjectives beginning with B along with examples. Adjectives are descriptive words which help to describe a noun’s features or state of being.

Adjectives are words used to supplement, characterize, or improve a noun to make your speech or writing more thorough and interesting. Descriptive words that start with B can be used to describe various things and personalities.

Let’s look at our selection of beautiful adjectives that start with B. You can broaden your knowledge and vocabulary at the tip of your fingertips. Try describing someone with one of these negative or positive B adjectives.

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Table of Contents

Common Adjectives That Start with B in Everyday Speech

You can make your speech and write more particular and intriguing by checking this list of common adjectives that start with B. These adjectives can be used to add to, describe, or otherwise modify a noun or pronoun. Use these common adjectives starting with B in your day-to-day conversations and writing.

1. Basic

  • Definition: fundamental
  • Synonyms: fundamental, rudimentary, primary
  • Example: We should follow certain basic rules.

2. Busy

  • Definition: having a great deal to do
  • Synonyms: active, unavailable, working
  • Example: He is a very busy person.

3. Brave

  • Definition: showing courage
  • Synonyms: courageous, plucky, fearless
  • Example: He is a brave soldier.

4. Bleak

  • Definition: cold and miserable
  • Synonyms: cold, keen, raw
  • Example: It was a bleak midwinter night.

5. Babyish

  • Definition: childish
  • Synonyms: childish, immature, infantile
  • Example: Lucy has a Babyish behavior.

6. Brief

  • Definition: concise in expression
  • Synonyms: concise, succinct, short
  • Example: Your introduction should be brief and polite.

7. Bubbly

  • Definition: full of cheerful high spirits
  • Synonyms: vivacious, animated, ebullient
  • Example: My girlfriend has a bright and bubbly personality.

8. Brainy

  • Definition: having or showing intelligence
  • Synonyms: clever, intelligent, bright
  • Example: We had a brainy discussion.

9. Boundless

  • Definition: unlimited or immense
  • Synonyms: limitless, without limit, unlimited
  • Example: He devotes boundless energy to his hobby.

10. Bossy

  • Definition: fond of giving people orders
  • Synonyms: domineering, dominating, overbearing
  • Example: She is always so bossy.

Positive Adjectives That Start with B

Positive adjectives depict persons, places, and things in a favorable way. Using noun modifiers, you can express sentiments. Check our collection of positive adjectives that start with B.

1. Balmy

  • Definition: characterized by pleasantly warm weather
  • Synonyms: mild, gentle, temperate
  • Example: I like the balmy days of summer.

2. Banging

  • Definition: excellent or impressive
  • Synonyms: impressive, excellent
  • Example: She is a beautiful celebrity with a banging body.

3. Bankable

  • Definition: reliable
  • Synonyms: profitable, commercial, fit
  • Example: It is a bankable assurance.

4. Beady

  • Definition: small and gleaming
  • Synonyms: gemmed, jeweled, sequined
  • Example: I love her beady blue eyes.

5. Bearable

  • Definition: able to be endured
  • Synonyms: tolerable, endurable, supportable
  • Example: Ali has a bearable attitude.

6. Beefy

  • Definition: muscular or robust
  • Synonyms: muscular, brawny, hefty
  • Example: He shrugged his beefy shoulders.

7. Believable

  • Definition: able to be believed
  • Synonyms: credible, plausible, likely
  • Example: She told a believable story.

8. Beneficial

  • Definition: resulting in good
  • Synonyms: advantageous, favorable, helpful
  • Example: This act will have a beneficial effect on the economy.

9. Benign

  • Definition: gentle and kindly
  • Synonyms: kindly, kind, warm-hearted
  • Example: He has benign but firm manners.

10. Blissful

  • Definition: extremely happy
  • Synonyms: joyful, ecstatic, delightful
  • Example: We are a blissful couple.

Negative Adjectives That Start with B

Here you will find list of negative adjectives that start with B. Not all noun modifications have a favorable connotation. Some make listeners and readers think of sad, unpleasant, or undesirable experiences or emotions.

1. Backhanded

  • Definition: meaning that is expressed indirectly or ambiguously
  • Synonyms: indirect, ambiguous, oblique
  • Example: It was a backhanded compliment.

2. Bad

  • Definition: of poor quality
  • Synonyms: substandard, poor, inferior
  • Example: He has a bad diet.

3. Banal

  • Definition: lacking in originality
  • Synonyms: trite, hackneyed, clichéd
  • Example: They sang songs with banal and repeated words.

4. Baneful

  • Definition: harmful or destructive
  • Synonyms: baleful, calamitous, deadly
  • Example: These are baneful effects of corruption.

5. Bankrupt

  • Definition: unable to pay their debts
  • Synonyms: insolvent, bankrupted, failed
  • Example: He went bankrupt and sold his house.

6. Barbarian

  • Definition: uncultured; brutish
  • Synonyms: savage, uncivilized, barbaric
  • Example: Zee is arrogant and barbarian.

7. Bitter

  • Definition: feeling or showing anger and hurt
  • Synonyms: resentful, embittered, aggrieved
  • Example: She doesn’t feel jealous and bitter.

8. Bland

  • Definition: showing no strong emotion
  • Synonyms: temperate, mild, soft
  • Example: Her expression was bland and unreadable.

9. Bogus

  • Definition: not genuine or true
  • Synonyms: fake, faked, spurious
  • Example: It is a bogus insurance claim.

10. Baseless

  • Definition: without foundation in fact
  • Synonyms: groundless, unfounded, unsubstantiated
  • Example: Police made baseless allegations.

Adjectives That Start with B to Describe a Person

Check our collection of adjectives that start with B to describe someone. Adjectives are used to define people’s distinguishing characteristics, which is one of their most key qualities. Try to incorporate B adjectives to describe a person into your everyday lives.

1. Brunette

  • Definition: having dark brown hair
  • Synonyms: brown-haired, dark, dark-haired
  • Example: Her mother is a brunette woman in her forties.

2. Barbarous

  • Definition: extremely brutal
  • Synonyms: cruel, brutal, barbaric
  • Example: She has a barbarous attitude.

3. Bawling

  • Definition: weeping or crying noisily
  • Synonyms: blubbering, crying, groan
  • Example: There were some bawling babies.

4. Beaming

  • Definition: smiling broadly
  • Synonyms: flashing, gleaming, glistening
  • Example: Her beaming face told the story.

5. Bearded

  • Definition: having a growth of hair on cheeks and chin
  • Synonyms: unshaven, bewhiskered, stubbly
  • Example: John is a bearded man.

6. Berserk

  • Definition: out of control
  • Synonyms: mad, insane, crazy
  • Example: He went berserk with guns.

7. Blind

  • Definition: unable to see because of injury or a congenital condition
  • Synonyms: visually impaired, unsighted, sightless
  • Example: There was a blind man with a stick.

8. Beneficent

  • Definition: generous or doing good
  • Synonyms: benevolent, charitable, altruistic
  • Example: He is a beneficent landowner.

9. Bemused

  • Definition: puzzled, confused
  • Synonyms: distracted, absent, absorbed
  • Example: She looked a little bemused.

10. Blonde

  • Definition: fair or pale yellow
  • Synonyms: fair, light, light-colored
  • Example: I like her long blonde hair.

Adjectives That Start with B to Describe a Place

How many different places have you visited? How would you explain these places to the individuals with whom you socialize? Examine the following list of describing words beginning with B.

1. Bumpy

  • Definition: uneven surface with many patches
  • Synonyms: uneven, rough, irregular
  • Example: Her home is on a bumpy road.

2. Backward

  • Definition: having made less progress than is normal
  • Synonyms: underdeveloped, undeveloped, unsophisticated
  • Example: He lives in a backward place.

3. Bliss

  • Definition: full of joy
  • Synonyms: joy, pleasure, delight
  • Example: The entire area was blisswith lights.

4. Beautiful

  • Definition: pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically
  • Synonyms: attractive, pretty, handsome
  • Example: Our home is very beautiful.

5. Best

  • Definition: most enjoyable
  • Synonyms: finest, greatest, top
  • Example: They work in the best building.

6. Brilliant

  • Definition: outstanding; impressive
  • Synonyms: superb, magnificent, splendid
  • Example: They have brilliant rooms with the artwork.

7. Brown

  • Definition: having the color of chocolate or soil
  • Synonyms: hazel, chocolate-colored, coffee-colored
  • Example: You should see that brown building in the north.

8. Bouncy

  • Definition: bouncing or causing things to bounce
  • Synonyms: springy, flexible, resilient
  • Example: We should avoid the bouncy road.

9. Big

  • Definition: of considerable size
  • Synonyms: large, sizeable, substantial
  • Example: They have a very big house.

10. Barren

  • Definition: too poor to produce any vegetation
  • Synonyms: unproductive, infertile, unfruitful
  • Example: We have barren land in our village.

Adjectives That Start with B to Describe Emotions

Adjective words that start with B can be found here. Humans go through a broad spectrum of moods and emotions. You don’t seem to be able to define them sufficiently, do you? Then the adjectives that start with the letter B will undoubtedly come in handy.

1. Balky

  • Definition: awkward; uncooperative
  • Synonyms: reluctant, uncooperative, stubborn
  • Example: Some students have a balky attitude.

2. Bullheaded

  • Definition: determined in an obstinate and unthinking way
  • Synonyms: stupid, headstrong, obstinate
  • Example: She has some bullheaded emotions.

3. Babbling

  • Definition: talking continuously in a foolish or excited way
  • Synonyms: blabbering, blathering, blithering
  • Example: There were some babbling people.

4. Balanced

  • Definition: taking everything into account
  • Synonyms: fair, equitable, just
  • Example: She always has balanced emotions for every situation.

5. Bovine

  • Definition: sluggish or stupid
  • Synonyms: stupid, slow, dim-witted
  • Example: I saw a bovine look on her face.

6. Bestial

  • Definition: savagely cruel and depraved
  • Synonyms: savage, brutish, brutal
  • Example: I don’t like his bestial and barbaric acts.

7. Barbed

  • Definition: deliberately hurtful
  • Synonyms: hurtful, wounding, cutting
  • Example: That was a fair degree of barbed wit.

8. Bashful

  • Definition: reluctant to draw attention
  • Synonyms: shy, reserved, diffident
  • Example: She was very bashful to ask anything.

9. Bookish

  • Definition: devoted to reading and studying
  • Synonyms: studious, scholarly, academic
  • Example: He is very much bookish.

10. Belligerent

  • Definition: hostile and aggressive
  • Synonyms: hostile, aggressive, threatening
  • Example: His mood was very belligerent.

Descriptive Adjectives That Start with B

Adjectives are often employed to describe people because they provide a more precise and clearer meaning. We’ve discussed descriptive words beginning with B. Continue reading to broaden your vocabulary. For additional ideas, see our list of B adjectives to describe someone.

1. Baleful

  • Definition: threatening harm; menacing
  • Synonyms: menacing, threatening, unfriendly
  • Example: She gave a baleful glance.

2. Boring

  • Definition: not interesting
  • Synonyms: tedious, dull, monotonous
  • Example: I have a boring job.

3. Bewitching

  • Definition: enchanting or delightful
  • Synonyms: alluring, captivating, charming
  • Example: She has the most bewitching blue eyes.

4. Boisterous

  • Definition: noisy and cheerful
  • Synonyms: lively, active, animated
  • Example: There were some boisterous lads.

5. Biased

  • Definition: unfairly prejudiced for or against something
  • Synonyms: partisan, tendentious
  • Example: Jason is a biased person.

6. Butch

  • Definition: having an appearance or qualities of masculine
  • Synonyms: manly, masculine, virile
  • Example: I saw a butch lady in a baseball cap.

7. Bizarre

  • Definition: very strange or unusual
  • Synonyms: strange, peculiar, odd
  • Example: They had very bizarre behavior.

8. Brittle

  • Definition: unpleasantly hard and sharp
  • Synonyms: harsh, hard, sharp
  • Example: She had a brittle laugh.

9. Brutal

  • Definition: savagely violent
  • Synonyms: savage, cruel, bloodthirsty
  • Example: He was a brutal politician.

10. Blatant

  • Definition: done openly and unashamedly
  • Synonyms: flagrant, glaring, obvious
  • Example: He always tells a blatant lie.

Uncommon Adjectives That Start with B to Improve Your Vocabulary

This list comprises uncommon adjectives that begin with B. How many of these uncommon adjectivesstarting with B do you use in regular conversation and writing?

1. Burly

  • Definition: large and strong
  • Synonyms: strapping, well-built, sturdy
  • Example: He is a burly figure.

2. Batty

  • Definition: mad; insane
  • Synonyms: mad, insane, odd
  • Example: He drove me batty.

3. Buxom

  • Definition: a woman with a full figure and large breasts
  • Synonyms: large-breasted, big-breasted, full-breasted
  • Example: She is a buxom blonde.

4. Brawny

  • Definition: physically strong
  • Synonyms: strong, muscular, well-muscled
  • Example: He is a great brawny brute.

5. Bodacious

  • Definition: excellent, admirable, or attractive
  • Synonyms: confident, courageous, daring
  • Example: I love my bodacious babe.

6. Bracing

  • Definition: fresh and invigorating
  • Synonyms: invigorating, refreshing, stimulating
  • Example: He loves bracing sea air.

7. Brackish

  • Definition: slightly salty
  • Synonyms: saline, salt, salted
  • Example: They served us brackish water.

8. Buoyant

  • Definition: cheerful and optimistic
  • Synonyms: cheerful, cheery, happy
  • Example: The party ended in a buoyant mood.

9. Bawdy

  • Definition: dealing with sexual matters in a comical way
  • Synonyms: ribald, risqué indecent
  • Example: She told a bawdy story.

10. Brash

  • Definition: self-assertive in a rude way
  • Synonyms: self-assertive, assertive, co*cksure
  • Example: He is brash and arrogant.

Adjectives That Start with B – Full List (779 Words)

This article examined adjectives that begin with the letter B. The following is a full list of adjectives that start with B. This is the most comprehensive collection of adjectives beginning with the letter B on the internet.

  • Bleak
  • Babyish
  • Bubbly
  • Basic
  • Busy
  • Brief
  • Brave
  • Brainy
  • Boundless
  • Bossy
  • Balmy
  • Banging
  • Bankable
  • Beady
  • Bearable
  • Beefy
  • Believable
  • Beneficial
  • Benign
  • Blissful
  • Backhanded
  • Bad
  • Banal
  • Baneful
  • Bankrupt
  • Barbarian
  • Bitter
  • Bland
  • Bogus
  • Baseless
  • Brunette
  • Barbarous
  • Bawling
  • Beaming
  • Bearded
  • Berserk
  • Blind
  • Beneficent
  • Bemused
  • Blonde
  • Bumpy
  • Backward
  • Bliss
  • Beautiful
  • Best
  • Brilliant
  • Brown
  • Bouncy
  • Big
  • Barren
  • Balky
  • Bullheaded
  • Babbling
  • Balanced
  • Bovine
  • Bestial
  • Barbed
  • Bashful
  • Bookish
  • Belligerent
  • Baleful
  • Boring
  • Bewitching
  • Boisterous
  • Biased
  • Butch
  • Bizarre
  • Brittle
  • Brutal
  • Blatant
  • Burly
  • Batty
  • Buxom
  • Brawny
  • Bodacious
  • Bracing
  • Brackish
  • Buoyant
  • Bawdy
  • Brash
  • Behaviourist
  • Bleary
  • Bypast
  • Babylonian
  • Burry
  • Bullocky
  • Burbling
  • Briny
  • Baptised
  • Boned
  • Bicipital
  • Behavioral
  • Biconcave
  • Brut
  • Braggy
  • Bloodless
  • Bengali
  • Breakable
  • Benefic
  • Bursiform
  • Birken
  • Bullnecked
  • Bowed
  • Bastardized
  • Belowground
  • Biblical
  • Bosomed
  • Bronchial
  • Bimetal
  • Boney
  • Bungling
  • Besprent
  • Bountied
  • Bidentate
  • Bloodthirsty
  • Biramous
  • Bracteolate
  • Beatable
  • Buteonine
  • Blond
  • Bouncing
  • Benthal
  • Both
  • Bailable
  • Ballsy
  • Breathtaking
  • Bum
  • Bushwhacking
  • Bibliophilic
  • Biform
  • Beethovenian
  • Biannual
  • Bathymetric
  • Bacchanal
  • Binocular
  • Bifurcated
  • Bombastic
  • Bright
  • Baby
  • Braless
  • Benthonic
  • Brag
  • Beneficed
  • Baptismal
  • Bicolored
  • Basal
  • Bifid
  • Bungaloid
  • Backhand
  • Bathetic
  • Bended
  • Blastular
  • Botulinal
  • Birch
  • Bragging
  • Blebbed
  • Bodyless
  • Breezy
  • Bimillenial
  • Bubaline
  • Baboonish
  • Brunet
  • Biracial
  • Bacciferous
  • Blastogenetic
  • Boughless
  • Bathyal
  • Bicoloured
  • Bush
  • Brickly
  • Bronze
  • Biedermeier
  • British
  • Bounded
  • Blasphemous
  • Bistered
  • Bluff
  • Behaviouristic
  • Broadminded
  • Betting
  • Bittie
  • Bimonthly
  • Bilobed
  • Bullish
  • Bonzer
  • Befogged
  • Bridal
  • Bighearted
  • Blockheaded
  • Bogartian
  • Blameless
  • Biographic
  • Breakneck
  • Briefless
  • Burnt
  • Bloodguilty
  • Brotherlike
  • Blackguardly
  • Blithesome
  • Blameful
  • Beardown
  • Blithe
  • Bonelike
  • Bent
  • Bioclimatic
  • Broken
  • Breeding
  • Bahai
  • Barehanded
  • Botanical
  • Blue
  • Brachiopodous
  • Breakaway
  • Bilobated
  • Bony
  • Bastard
  • Bladelike
  • Belarusian
  • Bipinnatifid
  • Bifocal
  • Bedaubed
  • Basined
  • Bivalved
  • Bedless
  • Bounden
  • Becalmed
  • Billowing
  • Blunting
  • Biliary
  • Botonee
  • Blest
  • Botanic
  • Bipinnate
  • Bestubbled
  • Blurred
  • Biaural
  • Bionomic
  • Boneless
  • Bedimmed
  • Blessed
  • Blinking
  • Brisant
  • Bicornuate
  • Binuclear
  • Brassy
  • Bacteroidal
  • Brachiopod
  • Beginning
  • Bacteriophagic
  • Bombproof
  • Bloodsucking
  • Burundian
  • Bifacial
  • Brickle
  • Bullate
  • Blastoporal
  • Braw
  • Barytic
  • Broad
  • Bahraini
  • Bottom
  • Bicentennial
  • Burdenless
  • Bilabiate
  • Blackish
  • Barefoot
  • Balconied
  • Bacteroid
  • Biomedical
  • Blindfolded
  • Brachiate
  • Botryoidal
  • Beninese
  • Bacilliform
  • Bangladeshi
  • Blocked
  • Biosynthetic
  • Bullying
  • Belletristic
  • Biological
  • Biologic
  • Bareheaded
  • Bitterish
  • Biradial
  • Bacterioid
  • Blameable
  • Better
  • Bandy
  • Buttonlike
  • Beggarly
  • Blear
  • Bicolor
  • Blamable
  • Bisulcate
  • Bibless
  • Battleful
  • Bilgy
  • Bastardly
  • Base
  • Beat
  • Butyraceous
  • Biennial
  • Batholithic
  • Barefaced
  • Blastemic
  • Billowy
  • Bioluminescent
  • Bimanual
  • Billiard
  • Boxlike
  • Brindled
  • Berrylike
  • Blebby
  • Ballistic
  • Banner
  • Brindle
  • Breastless
  • Bilabial
  • Binomial
  • Behaviorist
  • Beta
  • Blowy
  • Backbreaking
  • Burbly
  • Bounteous
  • Bisexual
  • Bimestrial
  • Boyish
  • Bavarian
  • Buccal
  • Bumptious
  • Blastospheric
  • Bracteate
  • Beatific
  • Boylike
  • Braky
  • Brotherly
  • Brute
  • Biserrate
  • Blae
  • Biyearly
  • Bicolour
  • Bonkers
  • Bated
  • Baronial
  • Bivalent
  • Babelike
  • Battlemented
  • Bicornate
  • Braggart
  • Burked
  • Balzacian
  • Bifurcate
  • Bilinear
  • Biogenous
  • Brainish
  • Bipartite
  • Becoming
  • Bimolecular
  • Barbellate
  • Bourgeois
  • Born
  • Biogeographic
  • Bluish
  • Buddhist
  • Bobtail
  • Bereft
  • Bonny
  • Banausic
  • Billionth
  • Bulgarian
  • Bacteriostatic
  • Bimotored
  • Blotchy
  • Balding
  • Blasted
  • Broadband
  • Baccate
  • Backswept
  • Burnable
  • Belemnitic
  • Bimorphemic
  • Briery
  • Bedrid
  • Botchy
  • Begrimed
  • Bivariate
  • Botonnee
  • Busty
  • Bicuspid
  • Bifilar
  • Brokenhearted
  • Breathless
  • Bipolar
  • Benighted
  • Baked
  • Bigmouthed
  • Bacillary
  • Binucleate
  • Bearish
  • Bigheaded
  • Blinded
  • Bellbottom
  • Benthic
  • Burrlike
  • Bilious
  • Barmy
  • Broody
  • Bilateral
  • Backbone
  • Beloved
  • Bibliopolic
  • Basiscopic
  • Bicylindrical
  • Briary
  • Blameworthy
  • Bay
  • Baptistic
  • Bedfast
  • Baffling
  • Bacteremic
  • Boffo
  • Beetle
  • Braised
  • Bunglesome
  • Biotic
  • Brisk
  • Bismuthal
  • Blimpish
  • Blinding
  • Brazilian
  • Busted
  • Butyric
  • Bimetallistic
  • Baculiform
  • Brahminic
  • Bosom
  • Broke
  • Biotitic
  • Biconvex
  • Bellyless
  • Blanket
  • Biddable
  • Beaten
  • Bantoid
  • Benignant
  • Baccivorous
  • Batrachian
  • Brainsick
  • Brasslike
  • Blighted
  • Bregmatic
  • Budding
  • Birchen
  • Bouldered
  • Bulky
  • Blanketed
  • Bracted
  • Biweekly
  • Beneficiary
  • Barefooted
  • Bitty
  • Befitting
  • Bituminous
  • Bosky
  • Bacteriolytic
  • Bedewed
  • Briton
  • Bituminoid
  • Bicameral
  • Bodiless
  • Bisontine
  • Buckram
  • Businesslike
  • Bahamian
  • Bristlelike
  • Brambly
  • Biogenetic
  • Bold
  • Blurry
  • Behavioristic
  • Basilican
  • Bermudan
  • Bentonitic
  • Battered
  • Binary
  • Brimfull
  • Bindable
  • Bigeminal
  • Brusque
  • Binding
  • Binaural
  • Blastematic
  • Bionic
  • Besotted
  • Blabbermouthed
  • Bacteriologic
  • Behind
  • Blastodermatic
  • Baseborn
  • Bimetallic
  • Bitumenoid
  • Bacchic
  • Boracic
  • Beastly
  • Botryoid
  • Blistery
  • Basophilic
  • Blank
  • Braided
  • Bloodcurdling
  • Basidiomycetous
  • Bigeneric
  • Bounderish
  • Bared
  • Backstage
  • Bismarckian
  • Biface
  • Blunt
  • Bilingual
  • Barbaric
  • Bearing
  • Boric
  • Buffoonish
  • Blabby
  • Biped
  • Benzoic
  • Boozy
  • Blotto
  • Bothersome
  • Bass
  • Bimodal
  • Bicuspidate
  • Bistred
  • Bicornuous
  • Bohemian
  • Bouffant
  • Black
  • Bodily
  • Bilobate
  • Biaxate
  • Bovid
  • Burundi
  • Boastful
  • Blunted
  • Bushy
  • Bichrome
  • Bibliothecarial
  • Blase
  • Blubbery
  • Bolivian
  • Biting
  • Baggy
  • Bifoliate
  • Beechen
  • Bare
  • Bareback
  • Biogeographical
  • Boytrose
  • Bucolic
  • Bicapsular
  • Barelegged
  • Blue-Eyed
  • Bloodstained
  • Barbate
  • Buddhistic
  • Bellicose
  • Bastardised
  • Backstair
  • Bereaved
  • Belgian
  • Bibbed
  • Boorish
  • Boskopoid
  • Brassbound
  • Brushed
  • Beetling
  • Binate
  • Back
  • Biosystematic
  • Betulaceous
  • Bacillar
  • Brusk
  • Boon
  • Butterfingered
  • Barometric
  • Birefringent
  • Blowzy
  • Benedictine
  • Bacchantic
  • Bolshy
  • Baltic
  • Biaxial
  • Busybodied
  • Blowsy
  • Blastomycotic
  • Buckshee
  • Bilocular
  • Bowery
  • Bibliolatrous
  • Brainless
  • Blamed
  • Bookable
  • Bacchanalian
  • Bigoted
  • Benevolent
  • Bumbling
  • Biaxal
  • Blastemal
  • Biodegradable
  • Belated
  • Banned
  • Bantam
  • Baptized
  • Bloody
  • Benzenoid
  • Bicyclic
  • Burdensome
  • Bibliomaniacal
  • Bedridden
  • Bust
  • Bibliotic
  • Bayesian
  • Bionomical
  • Barbadian
  • Bicorned
  • Breeched
  • Binucleated
  • Basilary
  • Buff
  • Bobtailed
  • Blueish
  • Biflagellate
  • Backless
  • Benzylic
  • Bewildered
  • Biloculate
  • Bully
  • Bespectacled
  • Bipartizan
  • Blastodermic
  • Basipetal
  • Beardless
  • Bygone
  • Biologistic
  • Benumbed
  • Blastoporic
  • Beholden
  • Buggy
  • Breathing
  • Bally
  • Bowfront
  • Beaded
  • Bustling
  • Blame
  • Britannic
  • Blate
  • Blotched
  • Backstairs
  • Bewhiskered
  • Bichromated
  • Boeotian
  • Basidial
  • Borderline
  • Baric
  • Bauxitic
  • Bettering
  • Bracteal
  • Bratty
  • Bulimic
  • Bowlegged
  • Billion
  • Brinded
  • Bivalve
  • Beltlike
  • Bacteriophagous
  • Bipedal
  • Batholitic
  • Bewitched
  • Basifixed
  • Blooming
  • Boreal
  • Barred
  • Branchial
  • Basidiosporous
  • Bacterioidal
  • Bonnie
  • Bismuthic
  • Bryophytic
  • Byzantine
  • Biotypic
  • Blooded
  • Botswanan
  • Blindfold
  • Bulletproof
  • Brahminical
  • Burred
  • Bosnian
  • Bhutanese
  • Beauteous
  • Bicorn
  • Bromidic
  • Boolean
  • Bountiful
  • Backed
  • Behindhand
  • Bald
  • Bibulous
  • Bistroic
  • Backmost
  • Bidirectional
  • Boronic
  • Bushed
  • Borated
  • Bubonic
  • Basilar
  • Befouled
  • Brachial
  • Biparous
  • Bizonal
  • Bibliothecal
  • Bipartisan
  • Booming
  • Bittersweet
  • Brumous
  • Boughten
  • Burglarproof
  • Bone
  • Bicentric
  • Blastomeric
  • Bacterial
  • Biauricular
  • Biogenic
  • Biochemical
  • Bantering
  • Baroque
  • Bantu
  • Benedictive
  • Bursal
  • Bignoniaceous
  • Befuddled
  • Blazing
  • Blistering
  • Bicephalous
  • Based
  • Biocatalytic
  • Beige
  • Blended
  • Brooding
  • Bicentenary
  • Bactericidal
  • Bacteriological
  • Bristled
  • Brutish
  • Barebacked
  • Buirdly
  • Binominal
  • Biographical
  • Boss
  • Bowleg
  • Burning
  • Bedraggled
  • Beadlike
  • Biovular
  • Brazen
  • Bias
  • Blastocoelic
  • Batwing
  • Biggish
  • Biquadratic
  • Bloodshot
  • Baritone
  • Boustrophedonic
  • Budgetary
  • Bigger
  • Beforehand
  • Bored
  • Bromic
  • Buttressed

Final Thoughts on Adjectives That Start with B

We appreciate that you took the time to read our article on adjectives that start with B. The list contains a multitude of adjectives that start with B that is adaptable and can be utilized in various contexts. You must have realized how vitally crucial adjectives are in our normal, daily conversations.

Adjectives are highly significant. They are used to modify nouns, which are one of the parts of speech that are utilized the most often. They provide extra information by separating themselves from other things by distinctive properties such as size, shape, color, etc. They respond to questions such as “which one?” and “how many?”

There are hundreds of adjectives starting with B in the English language. We’ve put up a thorough collection of B adjectives, complete with examples, meanings, and synonyms. Furthermore, the descriptive words that start with B in this article are highly diverse, which can help you express yourself in a spectacular manner.

List of 779 Adjectives That Start with B with Definitions and Examples - (2024)


What adjective starts with an B? ›

List of Adjectives with B
33 more rows
Apr 8, 2022

What are positive personality adjectives beginning with B? ›

Some of the most used positive & impactful adjectives that start with the letter B include bright, brave, beneficial, blissful, bountiful, beloved, benevolent, breathtaking, buoyant, and bold.

What are some adjectives that start with B to describe food? ›

Bitter: A tart, sharp, and sometimes harsh flavor. Bittersweet: A less harsh taste than bitterness. Couples tartness with sweetness. Briny: Another word for salty.

What is a word that starts with B that describes a person? ›

Positive words starting with the letter B are beautiful, brave, bubbly, breathtaking, brilliant etc. What are B words for personality? Adjectives starting with “B” used to describe a person are bohemian, brokenhearted, broadminded, bad-tempered etc.

What are positive adverbs that start with B? ›

List of 20 Positive Adverbs That Start With B

What are the character traits of B? ›

Type B personalities can be generally summarized as; easygoing, relaxed and highly flexible. Generally taking a much more carefree approach and wider philosophical view of themselves, work/life balance and other traits which make them less stressed and more widely appreciated when compared to Type A personalities.

What is a funny adjective with B to describe a person? ›

Funny Adjectives That Start With the Letter B

Blundering – Frequent errors or misjudgments, resulting in amusing outcomes. Boisterous – Excessively energetic, noisy, or rowdy in a comical way. Bizarre – Behavior, appearance, or ideas that are strange or unusual, causing amusem*nt.

What is a negative adjective that starts with B? ›

There are more negative adjectives starting with the letter “B” such as “backward,” “balky,” “banal,” “barmy,” and “bedridden.”

What is a fancy word that starts with B? ›

Full list of words from this list:
  • burlesque. a theatrical entertainment of broad and earthy humor.
  • bevy. a flock of birds.
  • brusque. rudely abrupt or blunt in speech or manner.
  • bedraggle. make wet and dirty, as from rain.
  • beatitude. a state of supreme happiness.
  • bate. moderate or restrain; lessen the force of.
  • beatific. ...
  • billow.
Oct 28, 2013

What is a positive noun that starts with B? ›

Some of the most used positive & impactful nouns that start with the letter B include bliss, benefit, beauty, bravery, bounty, brilliance, bloom, brotherhood, blessing, and belief.

What are the B words that have to do with food? ›

bread, banana, biscuit, brownies, blueberry, broccoli, bramble berry, blackberry, beef, beef stroganoff, burrito, etc. bread.

What is another word for beautiful that starts with B? ›

Beauteous is the synonym of beautiful that is closest in meaning and form, so is an excellent choice if you want a word that is 'beautiful, but just a little bit different. ' Although it is neither archaic nor obsolete, beauteous is chiefly used in literary contexts, and so will not typically be found in conversation.

What is a loving word that starts with B? ›

Here are Top 10 Romantic words that start with B: Beguile Butterflies Betrothed Betwixt Bliss Beau Beloved Bond Breathtaking Blithe Romantic Words That Start with ...

What word means kind that starts with B? ›

benevolent. Kind is an adjective describing someone (or their actions) as good and benevolent.

What word starts with an B? ›

25 Words That Start with B for Everyday Communication
  • Balm.
  • Blue.
  • Beseech.
  • Baffle.
  • Brace.
  • Beginning.
  • Brightest.
  • Bonded.

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

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