Koi Fish Care In Aquariums - Our Aquariums (2024)

Last Updated on January 20, 2022 by admins

Koi fish can make a beautiful addition to any home. If you plan on having them in your home, you will want to know proper koi fish care in aquariums. These gorgeous fish can make a great addition as a pet with the right experience.

Koi fish require a lot of work and need a proper set up in order to strive. They require someone with at least intermediate to advanced skills. However, owning koi fish can be very rewarding as they make wonderful and interesting pets.

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About Koi Fish

Koi fish are native to Japan and are descendants of carp. These incredible fish can grow to be 36 inches long and live to be up to 50 years old. They are able to live in a variety of temperatures and conditions, making them popular pets.

Koi fish are able to form bonds with their owners, as they can recognize and take food from them. They are relatively calm, peaceful fish that can live with others. However, they do like to jump, so if they are in an aquarium they will need a lid.

Koi are hardy fish, which makes them great for having in garden ponds. However, they can live inside, as long as they have a big enough tank. They often do best in groups of five to 15 fish.

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Types Of Koi Fish

There are over 100 different types of koi fish that can be found worldwide. It is common for people to have a variety of koi kept together. Here are some of the most popular varieties that people have as pets.


Kohaku is one of the most popular kinds of koi fish. They come in a variety of red and white patterns. They were one of the first ornamental types established in Japan in the late 1800s.

Koi Fish Care In Aquariums - Our Aquariums (1)


The Taisho Sanshoku koi was developed around 100 years ago in Japan. Also called the Taisho Sanke, their color patterns can be red, black or white.


The Tancho is one of the most beloved types of koi. They are white with a signature red circle, which resembles Japan’s flag.


Also known as the Hirenaga, Butterfly koi have beautiful fins. These graceful fins are symmetric and long-flowing.


Asagi’s are one of the most recognizable types of koi fish. They have a blue or indigo body with red at the base of their pectoral fins.


Bekko kois are only white and black in color. They display a simple stepping stone pattern.

Koi Fish Care In Aquariums - Our Aquariums (2)


Doitsu is a German variety of koi fish. They are unique as they either have scales along the lateral and dorsal lines or no scales at all.


Kikokuryu fish have a beautiful metallic appearance. These stunning shiny fish can come in different colors such as red, black, and white.

How To Care For Koi Fish

Many people choose to keep their koi fish in outdoor garden ponds. However, with the right care, you can have an indoor koi fish tank. If you keep them indoors, it is important to understand koi fish care in aquariums.

Koi fish can survive in cold and tropical climates, but their ideal temperature is between 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit. The pH level in their tank should be between 7-9. They should not be kept in direct sunlight and proper water ventilation is vital, so they should have a high-volume filter.

Their tank should have a smooth, muddy or fine gravel substrate. They will tend to dig through the substrate, so live plants might not always work well in their enclosure.

They are known to accumulate a lot of waste, so be certain to regularly clean their tank. In addition, you will also want to do regular water changes to ensure the water is at a healthy level.

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Tank Size

A baby koi fish can be kept in a 30-gallon tank, however, they will quickly outgrow that. An adult koi fish will need at least a 250-gallon tank. If you have multiple fish you will want a tank that has plenty of room.

For every extra koi fish, you will want at least 50 gallons. For several koi fish, you may need an aquarium that is 1,000 gallons.

Some people will opt to keep their koi fish in an aquarium when they are juveniles. When they are adults, they then will transfer them to an outdoor koi pond. Having an outdoor koi pond is often more affordable and can even be easier to maintain than a large indoor tank.

If you are keeping your fish in a pond, you will want one that is ideally three feet deep, six feet wide, and eight feet long. Those who have more koi fish may opt for a bigger pond.


Koi fish are omnivores and will eat a variety of different foods. They eat food such as plants, algae, worms, seeds snails, and other insects. You can also feed them bloodworms, pellets, and freshwater shrimp.

Oftentimes, they will not eat other fish. They can be kept with other species such as goldfish, catfish, and Chinese Hi Fin Banded Shark.

Keeping Koi Fish Aquariums

Koi fish can make for wonderful tanks whether you keep them in a fish tank or outdoor pond. They do require a lot of care, but they can even learn to recognize their owners. In addition, they require a lot of commitment, as they can grow to be 36 inches long and live to be 50 years old.

There are over 100 species of koi, with many different varieties kept as pets. They come in lots of different color patterns, which are often white, black, or red. Typically, they are peaceful fish, but they are known to pick on smaller species.

If you plan to keep your koi in an aquarium, you will want one that is at least 250 gallons as they are big. If you are planning to have more than one, which is ideal, you will need at least 50 gallons for each extra fish. They do best in temperatures of 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit and need good water flow.

Do you have any questions regarding koi fish care in aquariums? If so, please ask any questions regarding koi fish and their care in the comment section down below.

Read more about:200-Gallon Aquarium Dimensions

Koi Fish Care In Aquariums - Our Aquariums (2024)


Can koi be kept in an aquarium? ›

If you want a permanent indoor setup, space is critical. The bigger the better for koi—and remember they need large water filters. Be sure your indoor pond or aquarium has room for a fully grown adult koi to turn easily and not run into each other or the walls. You will also need to maintain a robust filtration system.

How do you maintain koi fish in an aquarium? ›

Koi Fish Aquarium Specifications

Young koi may be kept indoors, with a ratio of at least 29 gallons of water per fish. Avoid letting the aquarium receive direct sunlight and cold drafts so that the water temperature does not become too extreme or fluctuate too much within a season.

Are koi fish good in aquariums? ›

Can we keep koi fish in tank and how to keep them healthy? Koi grow quickly and get very large. Keep mature koi in an outdoor pond of at least 3 feet deep, with at least 50 gallons of water per fish. Young koi can be kept indoors in an aquarium of at least 29 gallons.

What does a koi fish tank need? ›

250 per koi with minium filtration koi are very resilient to having around 150 gallons per fish with enough filtration but you need like 600 gallons per fish in an aquarium as they usually build them weird making it hard for koi to properly grow and move personally and most koi enthusiastis opinion koi should never be ...

How long can koi live in an aquarium? ›

How long can Koi survive in tanks? An average koi can live up to 70 years in tanks, and some Koi in Japan have lived up to a hundred years. It all depends on the level of care they receive. However, it is not wise to keep Koi fish in the tank with too many other koi fishes.

How big will koi grow in a tank? ›

When the water is below 52 degrees, stop feeding your Koi. How big do Koi get? Most domestic Koi usually grow about 12 to 15 inches long. Japanese Koi usually grow 22 to 26 inches in long. Jumbo sized Koi grow up to 34 to 36 inches long.

Can koi fish live in aquarium without oxygen? ›

Koi can die with in no time with out air, hours! Fish require oxygen to live. Therefore whatever tank pond or lake they're in must have moving water. If the Koi are in a lake or stream with moving water they'll be fine.

Should I put salt in my koi tank? ›

Consistent exposure to low salt levels can help reduce stress levels while improving gill function and oxygen intake in your fish. More importantly, pond salt aids in the development of a stout slime coat on your koi that helps protect against parasites, bacteria, and other toxins in the water.

Does koi fish need oxygen in aquarium? ›

Koi require 6mg/l of oxygen in the water for good growth and health. To achieve this you need to make sure you have a good pump running into your biological filter as well as having a Venturi or air pump with multiple air stones leading into different areas of the pond.

What do koi eat in captivity? ›

Small and baby koi prefer flake fish food, the smallest form. Pellets are good for the average-size koi, while larger koi prefer bars of koi food. Most have plenty of proteins, a small number of fats, and essential vitamins & nutrients. Some other favorites include worms, larvae, tadpoles, shrimp, and clams.

How often do you feed koi fish in a tank? ›

Water Temperature And Quality

Between 48 and 63 degrees Fahrenheit, you would want to feed your koi easy to digest spring & fall food, once per day. Between 64 and 88 degrees Fahrenheit, you can feed them rich, high quality foods 2 to 4 times per day, as fish are much more active and also grow faster in the summer.

What can live with koi in a tank? ›

Companions for Your Koi
  • Goldfish. Koi and Goldfish thrive in similar water conditions. ...
  • Golden Orfe. Golden Orfe are social fish that will assimilate seamlessly into your pond. ...
  • Rosy Red Minnows. ...
  • Chinese Hi Fin Banded Shark. ...
  • Japanese Trapdoor Snail. ...
  • Frogs.
May 12, 2023

Can koi fish live in a 10 gallon tank? ›

None. A 10-gallon tank is much too small for koi. Think large pond, not small aquarium.

Can koi fish live in 125 gallon tank? ›

A good rule of thumb is 500 gallons for each adult koi.

Will koi stop growing in a small tank? ›

The size of a pond will not stop a Koi from growing. The size of the pond, along with other factors like health, feeding, water temperature and water quality affect the speed of their growth. A Koi will keep growing until it has reached its genetically predetermined size.

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