Japan's Nankai Trough megaquake - can you predict it? (2024)

On the face of it, the earthquake that struck southern Japan on Thursday was not a big deal.

The magnitude 7.1 quake did little damage and the tsunami warning was quickly scaled back.

But the earthquake was swiftly followed by a warning - one which had never been given before.

There was, Japan's meteorological agency said, an increased risk of a "major earthquake". Japan's prime minister has cancelled a planned trip to a summit in Central Asia to be in the country for the next week.

For many in Japan, thoughts turned to the "big one" - a once-in-a-century quake that many had grown up being warned about.

Worst-case scenarios predict more than 300,000 dead, with a wall of water potentially 30m (100ft) striking along the East Asian nation's Pacific coast.

Which sounds terrifying. And yet, the overwhelming feeling that Masayo Oshio was left with was confusion.

"I am baffled with the advisory and don’t know what to make of it," she admitted to the BBC from her home in Yokohama, south of the capital, Tokyo.

“We know we cannot predict earthquakes and we have been told the big one is coming one day for so long, so I kept asking myself: is this it? But it does not seem real to me.”

So, what is the "big one", can it be predicted - and is it likely to strike any time soon?

What are Japanese authorities worried about?

Japan's Nankai Trough megaquake - can you predict it? (1)Japan's Nankai Trough megaquake - can you predict it? (2)AP

Japan is a country used to earthquakes. It sits on the Ring of Fire and, as a result, experiences about 1,500 earthquakes a year.

The vast majority do little damage, but there are some - like the one which struck in 2011 measuring magnitude 9.0, sending a tsunami into the north-east coast and killing more than 18,000 people.

But the one that authorities fear may strike in this more densely populated region to the south could - in the absolute worst-case scenario - be even more deadly.

Earthquakes along the Nankai Trough - an area of seismic activity which stretches along Japan's Pacific coast - have already been responsible for thousands of deaths.

In 1707, a rupture along its entire 600km length caused the second-biggest earthquake ever recorded in Japan and was followed by the eruption of Mount Fuji.

Japan's Nankai Trough megaquake - can you predict it? (3)Japan's Nankai Trough megaquake - can you predict it? (4)

These so-called "megathrust" earthquakes tend to strike every hundred years or so, often in pairs: the last ones were in 1944 and 1946.

Experts say there is a 70% to 80% chance of a magnitude 8 or 9 quake striking somewhere along the trough in the next 30 years, with worst-case scenarios suggesting it would cause trillions in damage, and potentially kill hundreds of thousands.

And this long-anticipated event is, according to geologists Kyle Bradley and Judith A Hubbard, "the original definition of the 'Big One'”.

"The history of great earthquakes at Nankai is convincingly scary" so as to be concerning, the pair acknowledged in their Earthquake Insights newsletter on Thursday.

But can they actually predict an earthquake?

Not according to Robert Geller, professor emeritus of seismology at the University of Tokyo.

“The issuance of the warning yesterday has almost nothing to do with science," he told the BBC.

This, he argues, is because while earthquakes are known to be a "clustered phenomenon", it is "not possible to tell in advance whether a quake is a foreshock or an aftershock”.

Indeed, only about 5% of earthquakes are "foreshocks", say Bradley and Hubbard.

However, the 2011 earthquake was preceded by a 7.2 magnitude foreshock, they note - one which was largely ignored.

The warning system was drawn up after 2011 in an attempt to prevent a disaster of this scale again, and Thursday was the first time the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) used it.

Japan's Nankai Trough megaquake - can you predict it? (5)Japan's Nankai Trough megaquake - can you predict it? (6)Getty Images

But, crucially, while it told people to be prepared, it did not tell anyone to evacuate. Indeed, they were keen to play down any massive imminent risk.

"The likelihood of a new major earthquake is higher than normal, but this is not an indication that a major earthquake will definitely occur," the JMA said.

Even so, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced he had cancelled his plans to travel out of Japan to "ensure our preparations and communications are in order".

He added that he feared people would be "feeling anxious", given it was the first time such an advisory had been issued.

Masayo Oshio does not seem to be, however.

“I feel that the government is overplaying it,” she said.

Prof Geller was more scathing, saying the advisory was "not a useful piece of information”.

So why issue the alert?

The system allows for either a warning or a lower-level alert to be sent out. Thursday was an alert, advising people to be prepared to evacuate.

And, anecdotally, it seems to have worked. Even in a country used to receiving alerts on their phones, the "Nankai Trough" effect - and threat of the "Big One" - made people stop and take notice.

“One thing I did when I saw the advisory was to check what we have at home and make sure we are prepared, since I have not done that for a while,” admitted Masayo Oshio.

And this has been replicated along the Pacific coast.

In Nichinan, Miyazaki Prefecture, near the epicentre of Thursday's 7.1, officials were inspecting the conditions of already-opened evacuation shelters. In Kochi Prefecture, western Japan, 10 municipalities opened at least 75 evacuation shelters by Friday morning , according to Kyodo news agency.

The thermal plant operator Jera Co., a joint venture between Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc. and Chubu Electric Power Co., said it was on emergency alert, reaffirming communication routes with fuel carriers and evacuation protocols for piers.

In the town of Kuroshio, also in Kochi, elderly residents and others were urged to evacuate voluntarily to safer locations. Officials of Wakayama Prefecture, western Japan, confirmed evacuation routes in co-operation with local municipalities.

Prof Geller - for all his scepticism - says it is a good opportunity to "make sure you’re doing all the routine precautions you should be doing anyway”.

"Have a week’s worth of water on hand, some canned food, and then maybe have some batteries for your flashlight," he advises.

Additional reporting by Chika Nakayama and Jake Lapham




Japan's Nankai Trough megaquake - can you predict it? (2024)


Japan's Nankai Trough megaquake - can you predict it? ›

Experts say there is a 70% to 80% chance of a magnitude 8 or 9 quake striking somewhere along the trough in the next 30 years, with worst-case scenarios suggesting it would cause trillions in damage, and potentially kill hundreds of thousands.

What is the prediction for Nankai megathrust earthquake? ›

By calculating the intervals between each major quake, the Japanese government has warned there is a 70% to 80% chance that Japan will be rocked by another Nankai Trough earthquake within 30 years, expected to be between magnitude 8 and 9.

Can an earthquake be predicted in Japan? ›

Japan also has one of the most advanced early warning systems in the world. Scientists cannot predict the timing and scale of an event, but once under way instruments will trigger notifications to TV, radio and cell networks.

What is the risk of earthquakes in Nankai Trough? ›

This time again, the agency reiterated its alarming estimate that a Nankai Trough earthquake has a “70-80 percent chance of occurring within 30 years,” but this figure is inflated by a unique calculation method that differs from the standard approach to estimating such probabilities.

How did Japan predict the 2011 earthquake? ›

The March 11, 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, off shore of the Tohoku region, (herein called the Tohoku Earthquake) was detected years in advance using a combined earthquake prediction algorithm called M8–MSc, which is based on premonitory seismicity patterns and prior to this prediction had been validated by ...

What is the nankai trough earthquake? ›

About the Nankai Trough Earthquake

The Nankai Trough earthquake occurs when the Philippine Sea plate south of Japan sneaks into the Eurasia plate under the Japanese Islands, and the strain accumulated at the boundary of the plate is released at a stretch.

Is a magnitude 9 earthquake possible? ›

It is estimated that earthquakes with magnitude 9.0 or larger are expected to occur at an interval of every 800 years, with the highest boundary being a magnitude 10, though this is not considered physically possible.

What is the prediction for Megaquake Japan? ›

The government has previously said the next “megaquake” has a roughly 70 percent probability of striking within the next 30 years. The Nankai Trough is an 800km (500-mile) undersea trench between two tectonic plates in the Pacific Ocean.

What happened in Japan in 2024? ›

On the first day of 2024, a magnitude 7.5 earthquake was recorded by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) near the northern coast of the Noto Peninsula on the west coast of Honshu, Japan. The Japanese Meteorological Agency (JMA) reported the earthquake as magnitude 7.6.

How is Japan earthquake proof? ›

One of the key features of Japanese buildings is the use of seismic isolation bearings. These bearings allow the building to move horizontally during an earthquake, reducing the stress on the structure and minimizing damage.

Is Tokyo in the Nankai Trough? ›

The Nankai Trough runs along the seafloor off Shizuoka prefecture, southwest of Tokyo, to Miyazaki prefecture on Kyushu.

What is the high probability of successive occurrence of Nankai megathrust earthquakes? ›

As predicted using the megathrust locking distribution, similar earthquakes will occur along the Nankai megathrust in the future12. The ERC estimates that the 30-year occurrence probability of a great Nankai megathrust earth- quake is 70–80% as of January 20222.

What is a megaquake? ›

A megaquake is a term used to describe exceptionally powerful earthquakes, typically with a magnitude of 8.0 or greater. Dr. Blanpied explained that these colossal quakes usually occur at subduction zones, where one tectonic plate is forced beneath another. From animal advocacy to pageant queen: Mrs.

Can Japan predict earthquakes? ›

When a P-wave is detected from two (or more) of the 4,235 seismometers installed throughout Japan, the JMA analyzes and predicts the approximate location of the earthquake's epicenter. This allows the JMA to notify people in affected prefectures by TV and radio if a strong earthquake is expected.

Is Japan expecting another big earthquake? ›

Japan's Earthquake Research Committee said in January 2022 said there was a 70% to 80% chance of a megathrust earthquake in the subsequent 30 years.

Was there any warning before the Japan tsunami in 2011? ›

When the earthquake struck 80 miles offshore, warnings were generated in about three seconds. The tsunami warnings came three minutes later.

What is a chance of a megathrust in Cascadia? ›

Currently, scientists are predicting that there is about a 37% chance that a megathrust earthquake of 7.1+ magnitude in this fault zone will occur in the next 50 years.

How long can a megathrust earthquake last? ›

Earthquake shaking, in the frequencies that damage buildings, increases to a maximum between a magnitude 7 and 8 earthquake, then the shaking simply involves a bigger area. However, the duration of shaking for a megathrust earthquake is much longer. It can be several minutes.

Could San Andreas have a megathrust earthquake? ›

Earthquake Science

The San Andreas fault is not long and deep enough to have a magnitude 9 or larger earthquake as depicted in the movie. The largest historical earthquake on the northern San Andreas was the 1906 magnitude 7.9 earthquake.

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