Do German Shepherds Make Good Pets? Facts & Tips – Dogster (2024)

The German Shepherd is a handsome, fiercely loyal, and intelligent dog that can be the perfect pet for some families. However, whether the German Shepherd is right for you comes down to a few factors including your lifestyle and the specific line of Shepherd you’re looking at. Some Shepherds can be less suited to family life because of their breeding, while they all require much time and dedication. Here are a few things you should consider before making a decision.

Do German Shepherds Make Good Pets? Facts & Tips – Dogster (1)Are German Shepherds Aggressive?

German Shepherds have ended up with a bit of a reputation for being dangerous, aggressive dogs. This isn’t necessarily true, however. A Shepherd’s temperament is very much dependent on what they’ve been bred to do. German Shepherds are often bred for particular kinds of work; you’ll see them as police dogs, herders, and show dogs, amongst other things. For example, if a dog is bred to be brave or competitive to be a guard dog, they’re likely to have higher aggression.

On the other hand, Shepherds bred to be show dogs will be less aggressive; instead, they tend towards extreme skittishness and hyperactivity. Either of these Shepherd lines could make a good pet, but it would require obtaining them at a young age, followed by lots of socialization and training. For a German Shepherd with a calmer temperament, you’ll do better to look for a breeder who has focused on general breeding (i.e., on trainability and a more easygoing temperament). There is also the option of white Shepherds or long-haired Shepherds since they are less often bred for aggressive work. Regardless of which line of Shepherd you go with, you will need to be sure to provide a lot of socialization and training.

Do German Shepherds Make Good Pets? Facts & Tips – Dogster (2)

Are German Shepherds Good with Kids?

Whether a German Shepherd is good with kids comes down to temperament, training, and socialization. If you adopt a young German Shepherd and raise them around children, they should get along quite well. If you adopt an adult Shepherd, you may want to be more careful; find out their background to see if they’ve had any negative experiences or behavior and what kind of temperament they have. The dog’s temperament will matter a lot here; if they’ve been bred to be herders, for example, they might end up trying to “herd” young children and accidentally knock one over. Generally speaking, though, if brought into a home while still a pup and socialized early, German Shepherds should be excellent with (and protective of) kids.

Are German Shepherds Good with Other Pets?

This is another aspect that mostly comes down to socialization and training. If brought into the home as a pup and raised around other animals, the German Shepherd should do quite well with other pets. If you’re considering adopting an adult Shepherd, see if they’ve lived with other animals in the past and how they did; if they’ve lived with others and were fine, they should do well with your pets too. Without proper training and socialization, your Shepherd may chase after smaller animals or be aggressive towards other dogs of the same sex.

Do German Shepherds Make Good Pets? Facts & Tips – Dogster (3)

Are German Shepherds Easy to Care For?

As you’ve probably noticed by now, German Shepherds require a fair amount of training to ward off any aggressive behaviors, etc., which means you will need to dedicate a lot of time to them. Because they are active dogs, you’ll also need to spend time each day to exercise them via a long walk or run or a few games of fetch, plus challenging games to stimulate them mentally. Too little activity and your dog will become bored, which could lead to behavioral issues. It’s important to have plenty of time to devote to your German Shepherd.

As for grooming, these dogs shed constantly. Giving them a good brushing each day can help, but be prepared to break out the vacuum cleaner a lot. On the plus side, you won’t need to bathe your dog much since their coats are reasonably dirt-resistant; in fact, if you do bathe them too often, you can end up depleting essential oils from the skin leading to the appearance of issues such as eczema. You should also regularly brush their teeth and trim their nails.

Are German Shepherds a Healthy Breed?

The average German Shepherd will live 10 to 12 years. While not generally unhealthy, they are prone to a handful of conditions. These include:

  • Elbow dysplasia
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Pancreatic Enzyme Insufficiency – Malabsorption
  • Bloat
  • Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
  • Degenerative Myelopathy
  • Pannus

Are There Differences Between Male and Female Shepherds?

Besides their size difference - male German Shepherds are bigger than females - there are a few other prominent differences between the two. Male Shepherds are more dominant, as well as territorial. They tend to be more independent and may be a bit more difficult to train. While they will love the entire family, they will bond most with a single person in the family. Also, be careful of them playing with children; they will be more playful than females, but if not properly trained, this playfulness could lead to an accidental injury.

Females tend to be more cuddly, can be better with children due to mothering instincts, can be easier to train, and bond with the entire family. In fact, they can become very protective of their family, which can lead to jealousy of other animals.

Are German Shepherds Expensive?

German Shepherds can be more expensive than other pets, especially if you’re going for a purebred. In fact, you could spend upwards of $2,000 on a purebred Shepherd. If purebred status doesn't matter to you, then depending on whether you’re adopting from a shelter or reputable breeder, you can expect to pay anywhere from $75 to $,1500. The average price is around $800. Then, of course, there are the lifetime costs such as food, vet bills, training, toys, etc.

Do German Shepherds Make Good Pets? Facts & Tips – Dogster (4)Is a German Shepherd Right for You?

As you can see, there are various factors to consider if you’re thinking of getting a German Shepherd. That said, these dogs can be loyal, protective, friendly additions to your home. Just be sure you have the time, energy, and money to devote to them.

Featured Image Credit: Anna Zhidkova, Shutterstock


  • Are German Shepherds Aggressive?
  • Are German Shepherds Good with Kids?
  • Are German Shepherds Good with Other Pets?
  • Are German Shepherds Easy to Care For?
  • Are German Shepherds a Healthy Breed?
  • Are There Differences Between Male and Female Shepherds?
  • Are German Shepherds Expensive?
  • Is a German Shepherd Right for You?
Do German Shepherds Make Good Pets? Facts & Tips – Dogster (2024)


Do German Shepherds Make Good Pets? Facts & Tips – Dogster? ›

The German Shepherd is a handsome, fiercely loyal, and intelligent dog that can be the perfect pet for some families. However, whether the German Shepherd is right for you comes down to a few factors including your lifestyle and the specific line of Shepherd you're looking at.

Is a boy or girl German Shepherd better? ›

Female German Shepherds tend to be gentler and doting than their male counterparts. Because they are softer, they often work very well in companion homes, living alongside children and adults of all ages. Females tend to have excellent judgment when assessing strangers.

Are German Shepherds good house dogs? ›

They're an ideal breed for active households, and the intelligence and protective demeanor of this breed can make it a good choice for families with children as long as the dog is properly trained. German shepherds can sometimes become anxious or even aggressive if not properly trained and handled.

Do German Shepherds turn on their owners? ›

A German Shepherd's aggression will normally be aimed at strangers. However, there are also examples of German Shepherds attacking their owners. This risk can be minimized through proper training and bonding.

Are German Shepherds pros and cons? ›

German Shepherds come with both advantages and challenges as pets. Pros include loyalty, intelligence, and protection. Cons may involve high energy and potential health issues.

Which is more protective male or female German Shepherd? ›

The Male German Shepherd:

They are generally more territorial of their home and property while the female tend to be more protective of their “people” instead of their property.

What is the behavior of a female German Shepherd? ›

Females, like males, can be excellent watchdogs and guardians. Intelligence: German Shepherds are highly intelligent and trainable. Female dogs, in general, can be just as responsive to training as males. Energetic and Agile: They are active dogs, making them great companions for outdoor activities like hiking, ru.

What are the cons of owning a German Shepherd? ›

The cons are that this breed requires a lot of mental stimulation and exercise to keep them happy which can take a big chunk of your time. Another potential downside is that this is a high shedding breed so you will have to be prepared to deal with an excess of dog hair in your home.

What kind of person owns a German Shepherd? ›

Otherwise, the breed is an excellent dog for families that are familiar with working dogs and want a loyal, loving companion. They are also a playful dog and can be clownish and entertaining, particularly in their younger years.

Will a German Shepherd protect your house? ›

They can help deter potential threats and can intervene if necessary to protect you and your family from harm. German Shepherds are also known for their territorial instincts, and they can be trained to protect your property from intruders.

What do German Shepherds love the most? ›

German shepherds love games and learning new things. They need a lot of mental stimulation; playing a game of tracking or searching is a great way to keep them entertained.

How much does a German Shepherd cost in the US? ›

This canine is on the more expensive side, with dog breeders pricing puppies between $450-$1,900. If you decide to adopt your German Shepherd through a breeder, make sure they are experienced and reputable. If you plan on adopting instead, you'll pay anywhere from $250 to $350 in adoption fees.

Why did my German Shepherd snap at me? ›

A dog's aggression can lead to a bad outcome if your dog bites someone. The good news is that a growl or snap is your dog's way of communicating a waning—and your dog is choosing to warn you instead of biting.

What are 3 interesting facts about German Shepherds? ›

  • Fact #1: German Shepherds Are One of The Smartest Dog Breeds.
  • Fact #2: World War I Made Shepherds Famous.
  • Fact #3: German Shepherds Aren't Dangerous Dogs.
  • Fact #4: The First Modern German Shepherds.
  • Fact #5: German Shepherds Remain Hugely Popular in America.
  • Fact #6: German Shepherds Have Stars on The Walk of Fame.

Can I trust my German Shepherd? ›

German shepherds are alert and protective. Especially around strangers, they're able to detect and react to potential threats. This makes them loyal family dogs, but only after you've welcomed a stranger into your house will they relax and warm up to them.

Is German Shepherd a high risk dog? ›

German Shepherd

German Shepherds are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world, and they're also one of the most dangerous. The dogs were originally bred for herding and guarding sheep, but they're now often used as police dogs, guard dogs, and service animals.

Which dog gender is friendlier? ›

Male dogs are widely thought to be more active, territorial, and affectionate.

What is the best gender dog to get? ›

Female dogs tend to be easier to housebreak, easier to train, and more connected with their owners—but in certain circ*mstances they can be more demanding of attention. Aggression can be a problem in any dog of any breed, however it is usually more apparent in non-neutered males.

What are the advantages of male German Shepherds? ›

Advantages of Having a Male German Shepherd:
  • Size and Strength: Males tend to be larger and more robust than females, which can be advantageous if you're looking for a more imposing or protective presence.
  • Territorial Instincts: Male German Shepherds may exhibit stronger te.
Jan 18, 2024

Are female German Shepherds more affectionate? ›

Male German Shepherds are often seen as more affectionate because they tend to be more protective and attached to their human family. They might exhibit overt affection, like following you around more frequently or showing excitement when you return home.

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