Discovering the White Pitbull: A Complete Guide (2024)

Embarking on the captivating tale of the White Pitbull, we delve deep into the annals of history to unravel the origins, unique traits, and challenges faced by this distinct canine breed. As one of the most visually striking members of the Pitbull family, the White Pitbull has consistently evoked a mixture of awe, curiosity, and controversy throughout the ages. This journey invites us to explore the rich tapestry of events and influences that have shaped the White Pitbull's story while shedding light on its true nature and undeniable charm.

From its beginnings as a working dog bred for strength and tenacity to its evolution into a cherished companion and loving family member, the White Pitbull's journey is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of these extraordinary animals. As we embark on this fascinating adventure, we will examine the unique physical and behavioral traits that set White Pitbulls apart, as well as the challenges they face in a world where misconceptions and breed-specific legislation still persist.

Join us as we delve into the captivating world of the White Pitbull, celebrating its legacy, and advocating for a future filled with understanding, acceptance, and love.

A Brief History of White Pitbulls

Delving into the rich tapestry of the White Pitbull's past, a captivating story of metamorphosis and tenacity comes to light. Originating in the United Kingdom, breeders aimed to fuse the strength of Bulldogs with the swift, spirited nature of Terriers. The outcome was an exceptional canine athlete, initially bred for the inhumane sport of dog fighting. Amidst this backdrop, White Pitbulls stood out, not just for their distinct appearance, but as rare treasures in a challenging arena.

However, as society evolved and dog fighting was rightly banned, the role of the Pitbull underwent a transformation. It became evident that their remarkable strength and bravery had other more noble applications. Instead of being cornered in the grim world of combat, they began to find purpose as guardians, laborers, and devoted partners.

Discovering the White Pitbull: A Complete Guide (1)

To boost their energy and maintain their gleaming white coats, some owners even began the practice of adding a cracked raw egg over dog food, affirming the breed's valued place in households. White Pitbulls, much like their vibrant counterparts, were celebrated for their determination, intellect, and steadfast loyalty, earning them spots in fields like law enforcement, search and rescue, and even therapeutic care.

Yet, transitioning from feared combatant to adored pet was fraught with challenges. The lingering prejudice against the breed was hard to shake. But the saga of the White Pitbull stands as an emblematic narrative of a breed’s power to surmount difficulties and reshape its identity in a world that was learning to embrace them anew.

Today, the White Pitbull continues its legacy, enchanting many with its steadfast spirit and unwavering devotion. By delving deeper into their narrative, we honor the White Pitbull's illustrious past and anticipate a future brimming with empathy, respect, and admiration for these outstanding dogs.

The Alluring Characteristics of White Pitbulls

Undoubtedly, the most captivating feature of the White Pitbull is its pristine, snow-white coat, a result of a recessive gene that inhibits pigmentation in the fur. While this breathtakingly beautiful coat is a feast for the eyes, it is not without its associated health challenges, such as increased susceptibility to deafness and skin sensitivities.

White Pitbulls are renowned for their remarkable intelligence, unwavering loyalty, and vivacious playfulness, making them exceptional family pets with the capacity to forge deep connections with their owners. However, as with all dogs, it is crucial to invest in proper training and socialization to ensure that White Pitbulls mature into well-mannered and well-rounded adult canines.

Their potential to be loving, protective, and joyful companions is immense, and with the right care and guidance, White Pitbulls can truly shine as cherished members of any family.

Teaching Your White Pitbull to Roll Over

Training a White Pitbull, or any dog for that matter, can be a rewarding experience. One of the most popular tricks to teach is "how to roll over."

Step 1: Start with the Basics

Before teaching your White Pitbull to roll over, make sure they've mastered basic commands like "sit" and "down." These foundational skills will make the rolling over process much smoother.

Step 2: Use Treats as Motivation

Grab your dog's favorite treats and get their attention by holding one near their nose. Lure them into a lying down position by moving the treat toward their shoulder. As they follow the treat with their head, their body will naturally start to roll over.

Step 3: Add a Verbal Cue

Once your dog is successfully rolling over with the help of treats, start adding a verbal cue, such as "roll over." Repeat this process several times, rewarding them with a treat each time they complete the action.

Step 4: Fade Out the Treats

Gradually reduce the reliance on treats by rewarding your dog only intermittently. Over time, they'll associate the verbal command with the action and perform it without the need for a treat.

Discovering the White Pitbull: A Complete Guide (3)

The Challenges of Owning a White Pitbull

While White Pitbulls make excellent companions, they do come with some challenges that prospective owners should be aware of.


As mentioned earlier, White Pitbulls are more prone to deafness due to the lack of pigmentation in their fur. It's crucial to have your dog tested for hearing loss and learn how to communicate with them effectively if they're deaf.

Breed Stigma

Pitbulls, in general, face a negative stigma, with many people believing them to be aggressive or dangerous. As a White Pitbull owner, it's important to educate yourself and others about the breed's true nature and work on changing the public's perception. On the opposite side of that, Pit bulls have also been called Nanny Dogs previously because of their gentle nature.

Breed-Specific Legislation

Some areas have breed-specific legislation that restricts or bans the ownership of Pitbulls. Before bringing a White Pitbull into your home, research the laws in your area and be prepared to advocate for your dog if necessary.

Coat Maintenance and Skin Sensitivities

White Pitbulls may have more sensitive skin, making them prone to allergies and sunburn. It's essential to monitor their skin health, provide appropriate grooming, and protect them from excessive sun exposure. They have a short coat that should not take a lot to groom them as they do not shed as much as other dogs.

Discovering the White Pitbull: A Complete Guide (4)

The Importance of Socialization for White Pitbulls

Socialization is a critical aspect of raising a well-adjusted and friendly White Pitbull. Expose your puppy to various people, animals, and environments to build their confidence and reduce the likelihood of fear-based aggression.

Puppy Socialization Classes

Enrolling your White Pitbull in a puppy socialization class is a great way to introduce them to other dogs and people in a controlled environment. These classes provide a safe space for your dog to learn how to interact and play with others.

Positive Reinforcement

When socializing your White Pitbull, use positive reinforcement to reward good behavior. Treats, praise, and play are all excellent ways to reinforce positive interactions with new experiences, helping to create a well-rounded and confident adult dog.

Nutrition and Exercise for White Pitbulls

Like all dogs, White Pitbulls require a balanced diet and regular exercise to maintain their health and happiness.


Choose a high-quality dog food that meets your White Pitbull's nutritional needs. Consult your veterinarian to determine the appropriate amount and type of food based on your dog's age, size, and activity level.

Monitor your dog's weight and adjust their diet as needed to prevent obesity-related health issues.


White Pitbulls are energetic and athletic dogs that require regular physical activity. Plan daily walks, runs, or play sessions to keep your dog physically fit and mentally stimulated.

Pitbulls are also great at dog sports like agility, flyball, and weight pulling, which can be a fun way to bond with your dog and keep them engaged.

Responsible Breeding Practices and Adopting White Pitbulls

Whether you're looking to adopt or purchase a White Pitbull, it's essential to support responsible breeding practices or rescue organizations.


Many White Pitbulls end up in shelters or rescues due to overpopulation or misconceptions about the breed. Consider adopting a White Pitbull from a rescue organization or shelter, where you can give a deserving dog a loving home.

Reputable Breeders

If you decide to purchase a White Pitbull from a breeder, do thorough research to find a reputable breeder who prioritizes the health and temperament of their dogs. Avoid puppy mills and backyard breeders, as they often produce unhealthy and poorly socialized dogs.

Discovering the White Pitbull: A Complete Guide (5)

Common Health Issues in White Pitbulls

White Pitbulls, like all dogs, can experience various health issues throughout their lives. Being aware of these common concerns can help you take preventive measures and address problems early on.

Hip Dysplasia

Hip dysplasia is a genetic condition where the hip joint doesn't develop properly, leading to arthritis and pain. Regular check-ups with your veterinarian and maintaining a healthy weight can help manage this condition.

Heart Disease

White Pitbulls can be prone to certain heart conditions, such as aortic stenosis and dilated cardiomyopathy. Early detection and treatment can help manage these conditions and improve your dog's quality of life.

White Pitbulls as Therapy and Service Dogs

Despite the negative stigma surrounding the breed, White Pitbulls have proven to be exceptional therapy and service dogs. Their intelligence, loyalty, and love for people make them well-suited for these roles.

Therapy Dogs

White Pitbulls can make excellent therapy dogs, providing emotional support and comfort to those in need.

They can work in hospitals, schools, nursing homes, and other settings where their calming presence and affection can make a positive impact.

Service Dogs

With proper training, White Pitbulls can also excel as service dogs, assisting individuals with disabilities in various ways.

Their strength and intelligence make them capable of performing tasks such as opening doors, retrieving items, and providing physical support for individuals with mobility impairments.

White Pitbulls, like their colorful counterparts, have made their mark in pop culture and media.

Their unique appearance and engaging personalities have caught the attention of the public, with some notable examples including:

Petey from The Little Rascals

Petey, the canine companion of the Little Rascals gang, was a Pitbull with a white coat and a distinctive black circle around one eye.

He became an iconic symbol of American pop culture and helped to shape a positive image of Pitbulls during the early 20th century.

Kano from the TV show Person of Interest

Kano, a White Pitbull featured in the crime drama series Person of Interest, played a military-trained service dog named Bear.

Kano's portrayal of Bear highlighted the breed's intelligence and loyalty, showing that Pitbulls can be loving and reliable companions.

Myths and Misconceptions

Throughout history, societies have been fraught with myths and misconceptions that often cloud judgment and perpetuate ignorance. When it comes to the canine world, few breeds have been as misunderstood and maligned as the Pitbull, especially the striking White Pitbull. These misconceptions, often rooted in half-truths and sensationalized stories, have overshadowed the genuine nature of these loyal companions.

As we delve deeper into the common myths surrounding the White Pitbull, it's imperative to approach the subject with an open mind, recognizing the importance of separating fact from fiction. By dispelling these misconceptions, we not only pave the way for a more informed understanding but also advocate for the fair treatment and appreciation of these remarkable dogs.

Here are some of the myths and misconceptions that people have developed over time.

Discovering the White Pitbull: A Complete Guide (6)

Dog Fighting Legacy

The White Pitbull, like other members of the Pitbull breed, often finds itself entwined in myths stemming from its historical association with dog fighting. This connection has unfairly tarnished the reputation of these dogs, casting them in a light that isn't truly reflective of their innate temperament.

It's crucial to remember that any dog, when treated poorly or trained aggressively, can develop negative behaviors. It wasn't the choice of the Pitbull to be placed in fighting arenas; it was a human imposition.

Aggression Myths

One pervasive myth surrounding White Pitbulls is their supposed inherent aggression. While they are powerful and can be assertive, labeling them as naturally aggressive is a gross misrepresentation. Some novice pet owners, upon hearing these myths, might mistakenly think, "Should I lock my puppy away from guests?" The answer is a resounding no.

Like all dogs, White Pitbulls respond positively to early socialization, training, and a loving environment. Their behavior, like that of any breed, largely reflects their upbringing and treatment.

Dispelling Negative Stereotypes

The journey to reshape the narrative around White Pitbulls begins with education and understanding. Negative stereotypes, often rooted in misinformation and fear, have plagued the breed for years. However, countless testimonies from Pitbull owners highlight the affectionate, loyal, and playful nature of these dogs.

By focusing on positive reinforcement training, proper socialization, and sharing positive stories about these dogs, we can gradually dispel the misconceptions and give White Pitbulls the love and respect they deserve.

Overcoming Stereotypes and Advocating for White Pitbulls

As a White Pitbull owner or enthusiast, it's crucial to advocate for these incredible dogs and help overcome negative stereotypes.

By educating others, promoting responsible ownership, and showcasing the positive qualities of the breed, you can contribute to changing perceptions and creating a brighter future for White Pitbulls.


One of the most effective ways to combat negative stereotypes is through education.

Share accurate information about White Pitbulls, their history, and their true nature with friends, family, and your community.

Social media platforms can also be a powerful tool to raise awareness and promote positive stories about White Pitbulls.

Responsible Ownership

By being a responsible White Pitbull owner, you can help dispel misconceptions and demonstrate that these dogs can be loving, well-behaved members of society.

Ensure your dog is properly trained, socialized, and cared for, and always follow local laws and regulations regarding dog ownership.

Participating in Events and Organizations

Join local Pitbull-focused clubs, rescue groups, or advocacy organizations to connect with like-minded individuals and support efforts to improve the lives of White Pitbulls.

Participate in dog-related events, such as dog shows or charity walks, to showcase your well-trained and well-mannered White Pitbull, further challenging stereotypes and promoting a positive image of the breed.

The Enduring Appeal of the White Pitbull

The journey of discovering the White Pitbull is a fascinating exploration of history, traits, and challenges.

These captivating dogs have captured the hearts of many, and their unique appearance and remarkable qualities make them unforgettable companions.

By understanding and addressing the challenges associated with White Pitbulls, such as health issues and breed stigma, you can ensure a fulfilling and lasting relationship with your canine companion.

Through education, advocacy, and responsible ownership, we can work together to change perceptions and create a better future for these incredible dogs.

Ensuring Your White Pitbull's Safety with Fi's GPS Dog Collar

As a responsible White Pitbull owner, it's essential to ensure your dog's safety, especially when they're off-leash or exploring new environments. Fi's GPS dog collar is an excellent investment to keep track of your dog's whereabouts.

Fi is a reputable company that offers one of the best GPS tracking devices on the market.

Their collar provides real-time tracking, activity monitoring, and even integrates with your smartphone for easy access to your dog's location and stats. Not only will this give you peace of mind, but it can also help you monitor your dog's exercise and overall health.


Discovering the White Pitbull is a journey through history, traits, and challenges. These unique dogs have a fascinating past, and with proper care, training, and understanding, they can make wonderful companions.

By teaching your White Pitbull tricks like rolling over, ensuring their safety with Fi's GPS dog collar, and addressing the various challenges that come with the breed, you'll be well on your way to a fulfilling and lasting relationship with your furry friend.

For more helpful articles about pet-parenting tips, check out the Off Leash blog at

Want to know more about The Fi Dog Collar is a GPS tracking collar that not only keeps track of your dog’s location, activity levels, and sleep patterns, but it also alerts you if your dog escapes your backyard. This is the fastest way to find your dog after an escape. Try the Fi Dog Collar today!

Discovering the White Pitbull: A Complete Guide (2024)


Are all white pitbull puppies rare? ›

White Pitbulls aren't common, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. These canines are produced by some breeders and can often be found at rescues and shelters. The AKC does discourage completely white dogs, though. Therefore, many breeders don't produce dogs that are over 80% white.

How do you get an all white pitbull? ›

This color is considered rare because it only happens due to genetic mutations like albinism, the merle gene, or the piebald gene. Depending on which gene, they may have an all-white coat or a spotted coat with either light or dark eyes.

What is the rarest pitbull color? ›

Blue Fawn Pit Bulls are a rare and beautiful variation. They have a fawn coat that appears diluted, giving it a unique silvery-blue sheen. This coloration is due to the same dilution gene that produces blue Pit Bulls, making it quite rare and sought after.

Which pitbull breed is the calmest? ›

American Bully

Bullies from responsible breeders have been specifically developed for their gentle and affectionate temperament. But bullies are still strong and athletic, so they need plenty of exercise to keep them happy and healthy, as well as regular socialization time with people and other dogs.

How long do white pitbulls live? ›

The Pit Bull is a generally healthy breed with an average lifespan of 12-14 years. They can suffer from some common conditions like hip dysplasia and allergies. Early diagnosis is the key to a long and happy life so be sure to schedule routine checkups.

Why do white pitbulls have skin problems? ›

Due to their short fur and lack of undercoat, pit bulls' skin is not shielded from environmental allergens and irritants, making them more susceptible to skin problems.

Why do white Pitbulls shed so much? ›

Skin dryness can be an issue for pitbulls and can cause extra shedding. The dryness could be a symptom of a poor diet, excessive bathing, or dehydration. Try fixing one of these at a time to find the cause. Another cause of shedding more than average could be stress and anxiety.

Do white Pitbulls have more health issues? ›

They have the same character and characteristics as other Pitbulls, which means they are affectionate, energetic, and intelligent, and can make great pets if well-socialized and cared for. However, the same genes that cause the white coloring also make the white Pitbull more prone to congenital deafness.

What is the personality of a white Pitbull? ›

Pit Bulls are known for their loving nature, outgoing personality, and affection toward their humans. With the right socialization and training, this can make them great family pets. While they can be strong-willed at times, they're highly intelligent dogs and eager to please, which makes training straightforward.

What color Pitbull is most aggressive? ›

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that the color of a Pit Bull's coat is associated with its level of aggression. Aggression in dogs is a complex trait that is influenced by a variety of factors, including genetics, environment, and socialization.

What is the most sought after color Pitbull? ›

The blue pit bull is one of the most sought-after colorations, characterized by a beautiful steel grey coat that sometimes appears almost blue. This color results from a dilution of the black pigment due to a specific gene.

What color Pitbull is more expensive? ›

What is the most expensive Pit Bull color? As we mentioned above, the cost of a Merle Pit Bull far surpasses the price of almost any other color and, while a Red Pit Bull Puppy may cost you $2,000, a merle pup could set you back as much as $15,000 or $30,000!

Do pitbulls bond with one person? ›

Some develop a strong bond with one person, while others may be more social and friendly with everyone they meet. It's important to remember that Pit Bulls, like all dogs, are individuals and their behavior cannot be generalized based solely on their breed.

What type of person owns a pitbull? ›

There are two general types of people who own pitbull type dogs. People who know that these dogs are by nature very loving, friendly and sweet dogs and who spend a lot time with them, train them, and socialize them. People who get them to make themselves look tough, and leave them chained or confined all the time.

What two dogs make a pitbull? ›

Most pit bull–type dogs descend from the British bull and terrier, a 19th-century dog-fighting type developed from crosses between the Old English Bulldog and the Old English Terrier. A selection of dog breeds sometimes classified as pit bull types.

Are white puppies rare? ›

There are hundreds of dog breeds globally, yet there are only about a dozen that sport exclusively white coats into adulthood. Many dog breeds can have white pups—among other color combinations—but their coats tend to darken as they get older and lose their white hue.

What is the rarest white dog? ›

However, if there were to be a list of rare white dogs, Akbash, Dogo Argentino, Samoyed and Komondor would definitely make it to the top 5.

How much is a white American pitbull? ›

The average price of a Pitbull puppy is around $1,500. However, Pitbull puppies can range in price, anywhere from $800 to $2,500, depending on factors such as bloodline, health history, lineage, and breeder reputation. Depends on the parents lineage, some can cost as high as $5,000 or higher.

Are all white pitbulls deaf or blind? ›

They have the same character and characteristics as other Pitbulls, which means they are affectionate, energetic, and intelligent, and can make great pets if well-socialized and cared for. However, the same genes that cause the white coloring also make the white Pitbull more prone to congenital deafness.

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.