10 Fun Triangle Congruent Games and Activities For Classroom - Number Dyslexia (2024)

Hey, look at this symbol – ≅

If your students or kids look at this symbol and think someone put some toothpaste on an equality sign, they are not alone.

Using statements and some simple set of rules to find whether two triangles will completely coincide when put above each other or not is definitely an interesting application of math.

But it isn’t always the easiest one.

Teaching the same concept by including various interactive components like competitions, and arts and crafts that encourage hands-on learning can certainly help make it much more simpler and fun. This blog enlists several activities that will enable the students to prove congruence in interesting and exciting ways.

Learning triangle congruency through activities

Just like many triangle games and manipulatives, make learning enjoyable and the conceptual knowledge of congruence palatable, here’s a list of a few activities that you can do and learn with your class.

1. Cut and match

10 Fun Triangle Congruent Games and Activities For Classroom - Number Dyslexia (1)

For this activity, this educator will have to draw differently shaped, unaligned, and randomly placed triangles on a sheet. This can be done digitally as well and then the sheets can be printed out such that each student gets one. The educator will also need to arrange several student-friendly scissors or other safe paper-cutting instruments.

The goal of the students in this activity would be to cut the different triangles and see which one completely overlaps with another. They will then be given certain properties about the triangles that will further help them prove which triangles are congruent with one another.

This activity will help students in understanding the basics of the principle of congruence and what it means as well as how to prove it.

2. Designer page

10 Fun Triangle Congruent Games and Activities For Classroom - Number Dyslexia (2)

For this activity as well, the educator needs to arrange some student-friendly paper-cutting and pasting instruments.

Here, soon after the students are done learning about a new condition for finding congruence, they will be asked to represent the same in their notebooks. They will do so by cutting, folding, and pasting the page right after their notes about that particular condition end. For example, for the RHS condition, the students will cut the page and fold it to make two congruent right-angled triangles.

Not just pictorially but physically engaging in the activity of making congruent triangles will help the students better understand and remember the various conditions for congruence.

3. Prove it

For this activity, the educator will have to make a bowl full of triangles with various properties written on them like their angles, length of their sides, etc.

The class will be divided into 4-5 teams. One student from each team will go up one by one and pick out two triangles at random. They will be given time to assess the triangles. Their task, as a team, will be to come up with proof and present the same on the board proving or disproving the congruence of two triangles based on their properties. The team that correctly proves the most number of assertions will be declared the winner.

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This activity will involve group learning and team participation to help analyze various properties of the triangles and arrive at the correct proof while backing it all up with evidence.

4. Jigsaw with a twist

10 Fun Triangle Congruent Games and Activities For Classroom - Number Dyslexia (4)

For this activity, the educator will need to write down the proof of congruence based on different conditions for four pairs of triangles. Then they will have to cut this proof up step by step into chits and mix the chits up in two bowls. This should be done in such a way that each bowl has mixed-up chits with steps written for two proofs.

The class will be divided into two teams with an equal number of students in each. They will each be given the bowls with steps and the four sets of triangles will be drawn on the board. Here the task of the students will be to look at the sets of triangles and arrange the steps of the proof such that it proves two pairs represented on the board are congruent. The first team to figure out which triangles’ proof they have and correctly arrange it will win.

This game will introduce competitiveness to learning, making it more fun and engaging for students. They will have to reconstruct the proof step by step which will require a fair amount of exercise of their deductive skills and congruent conceptual knowledge.

5. Mix and match

10 Fun Triangle Congruent Games and Activities For Classroom - Number Dyslexia (5)

For this activity, the educator will have to make congruent triangles in pairs with different conditions of congruence. They will then have to put various sets of these triangles in a bowl.

The task of the students here will be to walk up to the bowl and pick a pair at random. The properties of the triangles that helped prove that they are congruent will be mentioned in the triangles. Based on what is mentioned, the students will then place the pair of triangles depending on the condition that proves their congruence.

For example, if the pair of triangles the student picked has two equal sides and the angle between those sides for both the triangles is 40 degrees, this means the triangles are congruent based on the Side-Angle-Side condition and will be placed in the SAS pile by the student.

This activity will help students in understanding, learning, and applying various conditions of congruence without even needing a pen and paper to write it all down to prove it.

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6. Under my seat

10 Fun Triangle Congruent Games and Activities For Classroom - Number Dyslexia (6)

For this activity, the educator will have to prepare several pairs of congruent triangles. These triangles should then be mixed together and randomly placed under the seats of the students.

The task of the students here will be to pick the triangle placed under their seat and find it’s congruent among their classmates.

They will have to go around seeing the properties of the triangles of various classmates to see if they are congruent with their triangles under any condition of congruence. The first three pairs to successfully find their congruent partners should be awarded.

This activity will also require the students to use their knowledge of various conditions of congruence to eliminate the triangles that don’t meet any as fast as possible and find their congruent partner in a limited time.

7. Similarity or congruence?

For this activity, the educator will need to prepare several pairs of triangles with different properties mentioned and a screen to present these triangles on.

The class will be divided into two teams with equal students on each team. Turn by turn, the teams will be shown a pair of triangles and their task will be to tell if they are similar or congruent and under which condition. For example, two triangles having three angles of 80 degrees, 50 degrees, and 50 degrees will be similar under the Angle-Angle-Angle condition. In the end, the team with the highest number of correct answers will win.

This game will encourage the students to learn the difference between similarity and congruence as well as various conditions that prove them.

8. Who am I?

10 Fun Triangle Congruent Games and Activities For Classroom - Number Dyslexia (7)

For this game, the educator will have to prepare cards with various conditions of congruence written on them.

The class will be divided into two teams with equal students in each. One member from each team will go pick a card and without seeing what it is, hold it up against their forehead so that the class can see the condition of congruence mentioned. Then, the task of the team members would be to describe a pair of triangles and their properties to help their team members guess the condition they are holding. The team to successfully guess it first will get the point and the team with the highest points will win.

For understanding the condition they are holding against their forehead based on the triangles described by their team, the student will have to mentally figure out what condition of congruence fits these triangles. This activity will require quite a bit of teamwork as well as sound congruence condition knowledge.

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9. Color me mine

For this activity, the educator will have to design a coloring sheet full of abstract figures, including scattered triangles. This can be made digitally after which the educator can take printouts to give to each student. The educator will also have to arrange a set of colors for every student.

Every congruence condition will have its own assigned color. The task of the students here will be to fill in the colors based on the congruence condition a pair of triangles fulfills.

This activity will make assessing students on their understanding of different conditions of congruence and their application a lot more enjoyable.

10. Give me a reason

10 Fun Triangle Congruent Games and Activities For Classroom - Number Dyslexia (8)

For this activity, the educator will have to prepare a series of assertions and reasons. For example, the assertion could be that Triangle ABC is congruent to Triangle PQR. One of the many possible correct reasons for this assertion could be that Side AB=PQ, Side BC=QR, and Side CA=RP. This will prove that Triangle ABC is congruent to Triangle PQR under the Side-Side-Side condition. This will then need to be jumbled up and digitally presented to students on a screen.

The class will be divided into 5 teams with an equal number of students in each. The task of the students here will be to buzz whenever they see a match between the presented reasons and assertions. The first team to buzz will get to answer one match. If they match it correctly, they’ll get a point and if not, the chance to answer will be passed on to the team that buzzed second. At the end of the game, the team with the highest points will win.

This game will make the task of learning how to successfully prove a claim and back one’s assertions with reason more challenging yet interesting.


Congruence can be a tricky concept to understand and learn with all its different conditions and whatnot. But, learning can always be made fun using some simple but exciting games and activities.

The games that have been mentioned above do exactly that by including various components of arts, and crafts, competitions, quizzes, and much more, to make learning more hands-on and interactive.

10 Fun Triangle Congruent Games and Activities For Classroom - Number Dyslexia (9)

Manpreet Singh

An engineer, Maths expert, Online Tutor and animal rights activist. In more than 5+ years of my online teaching experience, I closely worked with many students struggling with dyscalculia and dyslexia. With the years passing, I learned that not much effort being put into the awareness of this learning disorder. Students with dyscalculia often misunderstood for having just a simple math fear. This is still an underresearched and understudied subject. I am also the founder ofSmartynote -‘The notepad app for dyslexia’,

10 Fun Triangle Congruent Games and Activities For Classroom - Number Dyslexia (2024)


What are the activities for proving two triangles are congruent? ›

The Right-Angle, Hypotenuse, Side (RHS) Rule

If the hypotenuses are the same length, then you have shown the "H" part of the RHS Rule. Measure the remaining sides of the triangles. If you find matching lengths, you have shown the triangles are congruent using the RHS Rule.

What is the lesson of triangle congruence? ›

Two triangles are congruent if they meet one of the following criteria. : All three pairs of corresponding sides are equal. : Two pairs of corresponding sides and the corresponding angles between them are equal. : Two pairs of corresponding angles and the corresponding sides between them are equal.

What is the congruence review of triangles? ›

When two pairs of corresponding sides and one pair of corresponding angles (not between the sides) are congruent, the triangles might be congruent, but not always. This criterion usually is not enough information when the corresponding angles are opposite to the shorter of the two known sides in the triangle.

How to prove triangles are congruent? ›

The ASA Theorem (angle-side-angle) says that if two angles and the side between them of one triangle are congruent to two angles and the side between of another triangle, then the triangles are congruent. There is no need to check the value of the third angle or the other two sides.

What are the activities for congruent shapes? ›

To make congruent shapes, guide students to draw one shape, cut it out, and then trace it on a piece of paper and cut out the shape. Then have groups swap their figures and sort them into groups that are similar and groups that are congruent. Allow time for group members to check over each other's work.

How can you apply it to real life situations proving two triangles are congruent? ›

Answer:By utilizing congruent triangles the buildings create a nice work atmosphere(office buildings), a protection system from the sun by reflecting off opposite triangular faces, or even a popular tourist attraction. This is an example of triangle congruence in the real world- identical buildings.

What are the learning objectives of congruent triangles? ›

Learning Objectives

Apply various triangles congruence postulates and theorems. Know the ways in which you can prove parts of a triangle congruent. Find distances using congruent triangles. Use construction techniques to create congruent triangles.

How to illustrate triangle congruence? ›

Congruent triangles are triangles having corresponding sides and angles to be equal. Congruence is denoted by the symbol “≅”. From the above example, we can write ABC ≅ PQR. They have the same area and the same perimeter.

How important are congruent triangles in real world class? ›

Congruent triangles are employed in the building process to strengthen the framework. This guarantees that the structures are rigid and strong. As a result, they are unaffected by strong winds or other weather-related conditions. Large man-made structures cannot be built without them.

What are the five rules of congruent triangles? ›

Two triangles are congruent if they satisfy the 5 conditions of congruence. They are side-side-side (SSS), side-angle-side (SAS), angle-side-angle (ASA), angle-angle-side (AAS) and right angle-hypotenuse-side (RHS).

How to similar triangles? ›

Two triangles are similar if they have the same shape but not necessarily the same size. The corresponding angles are equal, and the corresponding sides are proportional. We can think of one similar triangle as an enlargement or a reduction of the other. (See the figures below.)

What is the symbol for congruent triangles? ›

Triangles that have exactly the same size and shape are called congruent triangles. The symbol for congruent is . Two triangles are congruent when the three sides and the three angles of one triangle have the same measurements as three sides and three angles of another triangle.

How do you prove a triangle is congruent to itself? ›

If an angle has the same angle measure, the angles would be congruent. If we had a triangle with the same side lengths and angle measures, the triangles would be congruent. The reflexive property of congruence shows that any geometric figure is congruent to itself.

Which test proves triangles are congruent? ›

Each triangle is made from the same three sides, so they are all congruent. This kind of congruence is called side-side-side, or SSS. If two triangles have a pair of matching sides and the angles between them are equal, then the triangles must be congruent.

What is the symbol for a triangle? ›

Triangle Symbol ()

What are two methods for proving the two triangles congruent? ›

If two angles are known in a triangle, then the third angle is also known since the sum of the angles must equal 180∘ . To prove congruence, the following are sufficient: SSS - All three corresponding sides are equal. SAS - Two corresponding sides and the angle between them, called the included angle, are equal.

How do you determine if two triangles are congruent? ›

Congruence of triangles: Two triangles are said to be congruent if all three corresponding sides are equal and all the three corresponding angles are equal in measure. These triangles can be slides, rotated, flipped and turned to be looked identical. If repositioned, they coincide with each other.

What is an example of two triangles are congruent? ›

If the three angles and the three sides of a triangle are equal to the corresponding angles and the corresponding sides of another triangle, then both the triangles are said to be congruent. In Δ PQR and ΔXYZ, as shown below, we can identify that PQ = XY, PR = XZ, and QR = YZ and ∠P = ∠X, ∠Q = ∠Y and ∠R = ∠Z.

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.